Suggestion: Colorcoding game history

Those are great ideas, but our site is very intentionally beginner friendly, and quite frankly they don’t need any extra barriers to entry


I like the idea of abbreviating the result column. It’s pretty standard (albeit needs OGS extensions like cancell and disconnect).

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If we did abbreviate, I think we should at least have the full text visible as an on-hover.


Actually, it’s pretty much perfect anyhow: it appears truncated and you can scroll to see the full:

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I wondered if we could make the columns “Name”, “Black” and “White” smaller. On my phone I only see up to column “Black”. Besides “Speed” and “Size” is not much interesting to see this way.

“Name” usually isn’t informative at all (the first 10 letters are carrying enough information in most cases). The same for player names. 10 Letters would be enough. We would have to ensure that the rank is stlll visible, since this is again interesting information.

@RubyMineshaft If you find the time, could you remove the color for annulled games? They are neither win nor lose (after annulled).
The new design looks gorgeous by the way.


Yep, I’ll try to do that this evening. If not, first thing tomorrow

We could probably truncate those bits of data without causing many problems as long as the full info is visible on hover. I’ll play around with it and see if I can come up with a solution.

We could probably also drop the year in the date column for games played in the current year to squeeze in a bit more space

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What if we shifted that column to the end?


Could we have a teeny bit more space after the size? :slight_smile:

or perhaps move the size after the player columns?

@RubyMineshaft Would it be possible to display the full time settings when hovering over the time icon?

That would make more sense actually… because when you’re reading it you want to say on this day, these people played on this board and this was the result… and saying the board before the people feels less intuitive…

having said that… I don’t think it would be good for the board size and speed icon to be too far apart as you often want these two pieces of info combined… so maybe it should be:

Date | Black | White | Size | Speed | Result | Name

This should be doable I think

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The issue I see with moving the Name column to the end is that some people will still need to scroll to access the full table. Feels important to have name easily accessible as it contains the link to the game


Great point - that’s the link to the game!

That’s a showstopper for putting it at the end: can’t have to scroll to get the link.

There are other solutions, such as having the whole row be a link … but the player names in the row are also links.

I’d be inclined to reduce the characters in those columns as a step in the right direction, and live with that for a while before something more radical.


Do we need two columns for the players, or is just one for the opponent sufficient?


I recently found out that time stamps are often direct links (permalinks) in many online environments. (GitHub, Facebook, etc.)

If we agree that name being at the end is best and only the fact that it is the game link is holding us back, why don’t we make the date in each row link to the game?


When I look at someones profile for games, either to see that persons games or help that person to get better, I typically only care about:

  1. game result
  2. ranks of the players
  3. link to the game

I already know who the player is, because I’m on their profile page, and the games are sorted by date already so I don’t need to sift through the list to find the more recent games. Board size is also not really a factor.

As a side note, it was mentioned that OGS doesn’t want to over-complicate things and keep it “user friendly”, but the new visualization is far more confusing than the old one. I have no idea what I’m looking at more with multiple colours for wins and losses.

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As a player, I’m keenly interested in what game size my opponent usually plays, and what speed.

These factor a lot in what their skill is likely to be like in the game that I’m about to (or just joined) with them.

I guess you said that you aren’t interested in that so perhaps it doesn’t matter :wink:

The colours are the same as those on the graphs above: darker color for a weaker opponent and brighter colour for stronger opponent, green for a win, red for a loss.

Ranked games have a solid colour background , unranked have a black background with coloured text.

I’m sure this will be written up before too long in the documentation.


Documentation is great, but the concern is flooding new players with stuff to learn and read. Plus, do people really read documentation or just go with it until it makes sense?

I assumed it would be rather intuitive since the colors match the giant graph that’s just above it, but perhaps I was wrong…


If you would scroll up just a fraction, you’ll find the colours already documented on the same page.