Looking for explanations on the opening tengen and its developments.
If there any pro games that have been started like that that would be also be good.
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Very recently, this game has been discussed in the forums:
It’s his loss if he doesn’t read the best go forum there is.
Anyway, everyone already saw it but Ida Atsushi played tengen in Tengen title match.
Interesting that Tengen titles match doesn’t see the usual suspects - Ichiriki Ryo or Iyama Yuta.
You can also use this pattern-search tool to search for games with a first move at tengen:
And then there are these two old forum threads discussing tengen:
Generally, I feel that Tengen works best for a 9x9 board (in my opinion, but I’m sure there are many ways to start the board well). And I was wondering what the result would be like, and the chances of winning when you use it for a 13x13. I don’t play 13x13 now because I’m focusing more on the standard 19x19 for offline tournaments and 9x9 for a quick match. But how did the game go when you tried to play 13x13 with a Tengen opening? Just curious xD
In a situation like the following game (https://online-go.com/game/6463026 ), what is the best way for white to respond to black’s tengen? (Move 11)
I’ve seen this type of move played in other games too, usually after the board is split into 2 roughly equal sides for each player. It seems overly optimistic for black, but it does make invading quite difficult for white and leaves black to solidify his side territory while chasing white across the board.
I still ended up winning, but I feel like …
And finally, there is the option to study the moves suggested by AI after tengen.
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October 31, 2022, 11:51pm
I think Andrew Jackson said it best, “its not a bad move, but its your responsibility to make it a good one”
Good little lecture SDK Go Class Problem Series #5: Is tengen a bad move? (2015-09-30) - YouTube