Update of Game History Table

I like it! :+1: :+1:

Thanks for your work.

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I miss the ability to see the rank in the table already. It was nice to know at what rank you were when you played specific games. The old table gave a quick, but detailed overview of how your rank changed.

I can get the same info by scrolling back and forth between the rank graph and the games history or by opening individual games, but that is tedious.


I did find myself using the table this way for my own games or others, to get a feel of win/loss vs stronger play and by how big the rank difference was supposed to be at that point.


I use light theme. Dark theme is like being in a perpetual noir or Gothic horror movie. Yuck! Also, the annulled games are virtually invisible in dark theme, at least on my screen.

Dark theme are good for the earth, not only for your eyes.

That depends on your monitor. The usual LCD screens that many phones & tablets and almost all computer monitors use, are constantly backlit across the entire screen, and do not use more energy when displaying a black screen or a white screen. In fact, I’ve noticed that I tend to have my screen brightness higher when using dark mode, and thus am in fact spending more energy than without.

If you have an OLED screen, then it the light of the pixels actually goes dark, so this does indeed save battery.


Power stations usually produce more electricity than people use and can’t produce less. So in fact resources are wasted each time you don’t use energy for something useful.

Except that power stations increase their production if there is more need for energy. If they’d consistently produce too much over a long time, they’d just be burning money.

They overproduce to keep the network saturated at times when there is a lot of energy needed, and it’s more cost-effective to keep the generator running than to turn it down / off.



  1. Switch Game Name and Result columns.
    The name of the game is mostly irrelevant, and having to eyeball from result to Size…Opponent……Colour etc. and back makes it difficult to read, IMHO.
    I think it would be easier if Result were closer to Opponent/Size.

  2. Put Colour Circle in Result Column
    Colour circle flush-right in the Result cell.

But TBH, I’d prefer if the Player Name stayed there. I’m not on a mobile though. Maybe different settings for mobile and desktop?

the only link we have to the game… this is one of the most important columns for that reason


Yes, the game link is essential. Half the reports don’t give a game link.

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Maybe we could solve this by moving the game link from the game name text to the date text… pairing datetime with a permalink is a fairly common industry practice (even here in the forums!)


If it saves horizontal scrolling to see the full game result, I would like that.

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The main downside I see of moving game name to the end column, especially since result is mostly evident through the new trophy and annulment features, is that it will no longer be very easy to identify tournament and ladder games

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Can we add one column for favorite mark (like a star or heart)? Also, we can search for favorite games later. (Because, saved SFG did not include the chat during the game. The chat sometime had the game discussion between two players.
Actually, if we can add a tag on played game, it will be even better.

Those are all features for the next “major enhancement” - they require server-side changes, which volunteers can’t do.

Meanwhile, I have played with adding a header to make it clear who the left hand symbols are about, and adding the player’s rank at the time of the game:


Possibly the header could be the name of the person who’s profile we are on, rather than “User”, though that suffers from length problems.


From a mobile phone user, I would switch results and name. Results can be formatted with a smaller fixed width so then the names can be displayed conveniently with some length (I assume the table to keep being displayed in a sliding window)

Reread the thread and nice, that’s a shared proposal.

It’s been proposed to abbreviate the results, which would save a lot of space, but I think it’s less friendly.

I might look at doing that based on media.

Note that a phone user can see which ones they basically one or lost on the left side now anyhow :wink:


I like to see the ladder places in the game name (which is as today impossible)

I like this a lot! Great idea :slight_smile:

User is probably best, specifically for the listed reason.

Eugene, did you see this? Thoughts?