Update of Game History Table

I didn’t actually see it. It has got legs on its own as a thing. I think that I didn’t really absorb it properly because I’m not wild about moving the game name to after the result.

I would only like that if we agreed to abbreviate the result. Otherwise, having that sentence-like structure in the middle of the table seems wrong to me, it belongs at the end.

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Please don’t abbreviate the result. It is crucial to know whether a game was resigned, disconnected, timed out, or scored. And it is inconvenient to have to scroll sideways to find out.

Abbreviate doesn’t remove information, it just means say “W+R” not “W+Resignation”


Are we currently making use of tooltips?

At least for me, hover-over messages like “You played Black” and “You won this game” would be sufficient and helpful for understanding the symbols.


Also, I am 100% for abbreviation if it gets all the info on the page. Either way, you’ve made some really great improvements to this table!


This can be a great additional touch for desktop users that we probably should utilise more, but it’s worth noting that tool-tips are usually pretty useless on phones.


Is this kind of answer an option https://ux.stackexchange.com/a/35774

It suggests using an underline syntax for things that would behave like tooltips. Then when clicked they display a message and when clicked again hide the message.

Maybe that’s only useful if you have a separate mobile version of the site, unless that’s how you want the browser version to work too.

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Did anyone mention, now the rank of the player at the time of the game is not visible in history, which was very useful to me when going through histories of people who progressed fast, to see what they improved rank by rank. It was also useful in detecting cheaters.

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Yes :slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t mobile browsers implement press and hold for tooltips?

Sometimes. I believe it is highly implementation dependent, as I have certainly not found it to be universal.

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I actually now think that it would be awesome to have just “W+R, ranked” or “B+4.5” style of markings, those would also fit nicely fithin the current widths without vertical scrolling. For annulled games it could just read “Annulled” instead that “B+Cancellation, ranked, annulled” thing.

A thought: are unrnaked games really the majority? I mean should we rather have “W+R, unranked” for unranked games and treat ranked games as the norm (therefor no need to have a special mention that its indeed a ranked game?)

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ranked is less characters, keeps the total column width shorter (assuming both are listed on a given page) :wink:

or instead of the text maybe we could have a ranked column that is either ticked or not?


I agree with abbreviated markings for resignations, scored games, disconnections, and timeouts, but definitely not for annulments. It doesn’t matter to players, but knowing that an annulment was a cancellation, a disconnection, or a timeout, and which color, is important for moderation, as is the completed game information if it was a completed game that was annulled.


Unfortunately, I’m still not grasping the concern here. Abbreviation doesn’t remove any information in any circumstance, it just presents it in less number of characters…

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I had a look at this and bumped into the question “what happens in other languages”?

At the moment the code goes to a lot of trouble to present all those game result words in the right translation… this means that I can’t just say “change W+Resignation to W+R” because the word might not be Resignation due to translation…


The translation code has a section for context, just explain what the abbreviation is for and they can use a culturally appropriate abreviation.


If I am reading _KoBa’s suggestion correctly, he was proposing the use of “Annulled” without, for example, “B+Cancellation.” Knowing it was a cancellation, distinguishes it from a game annulled for some other reason, which is crucial in dealing with a cancellation troll (as we now are). Knowing that Black won tells me who canceled, crucial to avoid a misidentification (i.e., did the suspected troll cancel or was he an unlucky innocent who had several opponents cancel on him). Without the details one would have to laboriously open each game to get the information.

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For not scored games, could we benefit from just losing the “shuns”? :slight_smile:


Everyone understands W+3.5 and W+R, but I don’t think W+D and W+C are widely used.


pgettext time to shine!


EDIT: Aw I’ll never figure out how to share gifs

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