Update of Game History Table

Sorry, I am new to here. Is the result column as the same record for everyone, right? That will be easier for programing, I assume. But if the game history is for each individual’s reading. Since it already shows my stone color and opponent’s name, on the result can we just show win or lose, no need to show color again B/W.
It can go like this:
W 75 points , Resign, Ranked
L, 75p, Ranked

If we can sort our games by wining/losing points, that might be helpful, too.

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Yes, the result column is the same no matter whose profile you are on.

While you are correct that it is possible to gather all this information from other columns, I would hate to lose the “W+” and “B+”. Two reasons:

a) It is a good signifier of meaning, since W+R format is widely used. (One example being SGF)
b) the process to deduce which color won is a bit complex (you have to look at the color column, win column, AND check whose page you are on to deduce this)


Just wanted to say, I like what’s being done here. Especially the removal of the second name column. Removing the need to scroll right a little for the average PC user is a big :heavy_plus_sign:


pgettext is in fact what’s used to do the translation of the full terms.

The problem is kind of “in the details of the code” - I had hoped for a “light” solution, trucating to 1 character those words, which would be easy. Instead, due to translation (if the R does have to be translated) I’d have to reach into that part of the code to tell it to give me only the first character of the translated term.

I have concluded there is no point in abbreviating Resignation to R even if this is universal (IE not needing translation), because the other terms have to stand at their full length anyhow. So that column is going to be full width - hence no point in abbreviating just one of the possible results.

what about…?

Abbreviations wouldn’t work for many languages. Chinese/Japanese are abbreviated as is. In Russian there’s no way it would make sense. I bet in others it’s similar.

Still don’t think this is necessarily a reason not to shorten it for European languages. Where it doesn’t work the translators can keep the current values and where is does they can shorten.

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@BHydden is right- The way the translations work, the translators get to choose the appropriate text.

In Chinese+Japanese this probably isn’t an issue since the words for “Resignation” etc. are already shorter.

I am a little surprised that Russian doesn’t work well with abbreviations. Russian words are pretty long!

Are the ranks supposed to go beyond 25k? Because they do.
It’s nice (as I am a proponent of 25+ rankings), but I suppose it should at least be consistent on the whole site…


No, it is bad sign. For something as basic as the colour played it should be displayed using some system that requires minimal thought. Indeed the latest format revision with user ranks underneath the circles probably makes it harder for a new user to figure out.

As it happens there is a very simple solution and that is to show both players colours. Have a stone colour symbol on the far left, as at the moment, and also have one in front of the opponents name. This is redundant, perhaps, but the amount of screen estate needed is minimal and there is already some white space there that can probably be sacrificed without impacting readability.

You are probably going to have to do this, or something like it, anyway when rengo gets added. There appears to be a demand for this, given the regular requests for it, and the people sharing login details to do at the moment. It is, I understand, on the to-do list, albeit very far down, so it seems likely that it, and maybe multicolour go, will be added one day.

At the moment you can’t automatically tell what colour your opponent was. You have to look to the far left and deduce it. This is a hindrance, admittedly a very slight one, but it will be impossible to do this when rengo, or multicolour go, is added. When that happens you will need to have colour symbol next to each player anyway, so we should start now.


Knowing how much work actually goes into these “simple” adjustmesnts I hate to be bitching :D, but currently this is how it looks like for me in up-to-date FF:

Which I assume is not intended…

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What browser are you on? Call me crazy, but I kind of like the extra space (even though I’m positive it wasn’t intended).

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FF as in Firefox. Sorry for the laziness :smiley:

Agreed. Seeing the 25k+'s making progress in their game history is nice.

Hint, hint
Nudge, nudge
Elbow, elbow

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Looks same for me.

On further thought, so do I :slightly_smiling_face: gives each game a bit of breathing space :slightly_smiling_face: I think it actually makes it look tidier… Less cluttered… Regardless of whether it was deliberate or accidental.

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No, that’s a bug, I hate it. The rank is supposed to be next to the player’s colour.

It didn’t do that for me in the beta server - I’ll try to find out what’s going on there.


Easy-fix coming when anoek has a chance to pull it in.

(I overlooked to test with long usernames in beta).

Note: if we want more spacing, we can get that put in deliberately, without wrapping the rank :smiley: :open_mouth:


You shouldn’t have mentioned that :wink: :smiley:

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I’m all for raising the issue that the rest of the site doesn’t show the correct rank, which reflected in the game history page. :stuck_out_tongue: