Werewolf Game 1

If Gia is a werewolf, it is weird to claim to be the seer, since that puts the second werewolf out in the open. It would’ve been a better strategy to let fiddlehead claim to be the seer instead. So I’m quite convinced that Gia is actually the lunatic.

This means that I still cannot be sure that KAOS is actually a villager…

But then again, why the suspicious call for the protector to show themself?

@fiddlehead what can you say in your defense?

How is it that we’re in exactly the same position as yesterday? Literally any of you could be any role still. The only thing I feel confident in is that either Gia or Vsotvep is the Seer.

Unless someone else also wants to claim to be the Seer :face_with_monocle:

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For now, all I’m going to say is that in yesterday’s debate Vsotvep impressed me as one of the least opinionated villagers. If he’s a werewolf it’s to be expected that he would come out swinging on the second day, knowing that the seer is now a bit closer to the truth. Of course he could still be the seer, but I happen to know that he isn’t.

I sense that there are holes in his argument, but I’m still struggling to sort them out for myself. I will be heard from again, I promise you.

By the way, yesterday Gia said:

I guess that means Vsotvep is the actual seer and Gia… well, maybe Gia is a werewolf, maybe the lunatic.

I initially thought that pretending to be the seer would only be a good lunatic strategy if you could hope for the werewolves to kill you, but the lunatic could as well hope to be killed by the villagers for this. With many contradicting statements yesterday, Gia didn’t try very hard to look trustworthy.

So, I guess we should vote against fiddlehead, who also didn’t stand out as particularly helpful yesterday and already looked suspicious.

Regarding the question if I can be trusted to be a villager - well, I have no way of proving it. I can only hope my fellow villagers will see my sincere effort in trying to hunt down the werewolves.

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Ok, I was in a hurry, what I meant about the protector was this:

Also, @KAOSkonfused I did suspect you yesterday, it was between you and @fiddlehead, I was sure @Eugene was the lunatic. I feel guilty for that.

So, protector, I’m a villager and @KAOSkonfused is a villager, you are the third one. @Vsotvep if he’s a werewolf he wouldn’t propose the lunatic to be killed.

If you protected someone yesterday that wasn’t me, you and @KAOSkonfused and wasn’t targeted, he’s a werewolf or the lunatic. If you have that information please share, otherwise stay hidden.

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What information? We know for a fact that Eugene was targeted and mauled.

P.S.: I’ll try to work out who is who tomorrow and refrain from voting for now.

That’s only if you are the seer, but you aren’t because I am, or you are a werewolf and you know him to be either a werewolf or the lunatic.

The information if they protected someone other than those I mentioned. But if protector protected themselves, they should stay hidden.

My vote is for @fiddlehead, too.

I trust you because I know for a fact you are a villager. But I didn’t yesterday.

I’m having trouble following the logic here. Mind walking us through that in a bit more detail?

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If the protector protected themselves, that information doesn’t help us now and it shouldn’t be disclosed.

If the protector protected me or KAOS, good guess :+1:t3:, but it doesn’t help us, it shouldn’t be disclosed. If they protected someone else, they weren’t targeted and they are 100% either werewolf or lunatic, so I look into them tonight.

If it was fiddlehead, I’m sorry but I vote we execute him.

If you are indeed the Seer and we can trust that you checked Kaos, the only thing we would know is that he’s innocent. This doesn’t rule him out as the protector.

It’s still possible for the protector to have shielded someone who wasn’t a werewolf or lunatic. Or am I still not completely following?

Either way, I’m of the opinion that the protector shouldn’t reveal his identity for now

I was told he is a villager, I didn’t ask if he’s also the protector, so I guess I’ll have to train my replacement if we survive :woman_shrugging:. But if I misunderstood the signs and he can be the protector, then I agree it makes it harder.

Edit: my logic was
@fiddlehead is one of the werewolves, dies today
I’m protected to investigate @Vsotvep tonight
@KAOSkonfused or the protector die tonight
Next day I reveal @Vsotvep is the lunatic, so we kill @RubyMineshaft or @S_Alexander, whoever isn’t the protector OR @Vsotvep is a werewolf and we kill him.

So maybe protector shouldn’t reveal anything, unless he’s @fiddlehead because we’ll kill him if he doesn’t speak up.

I hope we don’t end up with two protectors!

I previously asked about this in the rules thread just in case something like this came up.


At this point, a claim by fiddlehead to be the protector couldn’t be completely trusted regardless of which of the Seers is genuine.

A werewolf in his situation would love to use that as a last ditch effort to escape execution


Well, it seems my head is on the chopping block today. There’s so much my tired brain still has to work out. In the meantime I’ll leave you with a couple of points to consider.

Gia, what makes you think that I couldn’t possibly know that Vsotvep isn’t the seer? Believe me, if you’ve been falsely accused of being a werewolf by someone claiming to be the seer, it logically follows that that person isn’t the seer and that you know it perfectly well.

It seems that the more we try to unravel this mess through straightforward deduction, the more we are left with just one more house of cards. Instead I want to talk about nuance, which, believe me, was the last thing I wanted to resort to given this format we’re in.

Have you noticed that the more outrageous the lie, the more aggresive and sanctimonious the tone becomes? Vsotvep says I’m a werewolf. Fair enough. But why the histrionics? Why the vivid and gruesome imagery? These words are meant to pull at your heartstrings, make no mistake about that. One of the surest signs of falsehood is how absolute is the claim to truth. Not only is there no expression of doubt, there’s not even any allowance for anyone else’s doubt.

I challenge you to go back over everything I’ve said since this conflict began and find anything that doesn’t leave room for doubt. I’ll rest my case on this for now.


I still don’t see what information. The only useful information a protector can mention, is if they successfully protected a villager that night, and the werewolves failed to kill (they can point to a guaranteed innocent). As long as that doesn’t happen, there is absolutely no reason for the protector to announce themselves.

I would be surprised you even suggest it, except that you’re not a villager, so it makes sense.


They were mostly meant to be more entertaining to read, to be honest…

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How insistently Gia tries to get information on the protector…
I assume, she is not the lunatic, but the second werewolf. This also means she knows for sure that I’m a villager and can easily claim to be a seer.

However, if Gia is not the lunatic, this means the actual lunatic is doing a poor job. :wink:

Probably, Vsotvep is the actual seer. We should execute fiddlehead to see if that’s true (as fiddlehead has not done much to help us so far, I’m very sure he’s not a villager). And then we should find out if Gia is a werewolf or a lunatic.
Still, I’m not sure if the seer should check on Gia next, because we definitely know that Gia is very suspicious. Maybe the seer should better check on S_Alexander, who would be my other “candidate” (although I’m very unsure with this guess).

I’ve been thinking about keeping this (weak) suspicion to myself, but decided to tell you about it right now, because it’s quite likely that I will be dead tomorrow morning.