Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

:wave: :sunrise: :man_astronaut: :woman_astronaut: :man_astronaut: :exclamation:

:violin: :man: :skull_and_crossbones: :interrobang:


Well that could’ve also been because they wanted to live. If they hadn’t diverted the vote, they would’ve been killed and no one is going to want to die, especially if they know they are innocent and think someone else is a mimic or they are a mimic and are trying to kill someone innocent instead. Them being desperate doesn’t mean anything for their role.

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This sounds like a decent plan. Why don’t you lead us in the discussion? Tell us who voted for Vagabond. Who of those people do you find suspicious and why? Which of those people do you think is likely innocent and why?


KAOS has caught the emoji desease today. Now I remember why I can’t seem to recall anything Assai said yesterday. He had a case of the emojis. My vote was on him because I couldn’t remember any of their posts besides that one about how we(well mostly me) were making this thread to big so no one would be able to catch up.


Actually I don’t remember much from ginger either. They were never sick so I think that I should actually be able to remember things from them. Unless this is a side effect from that fuel I’ve started drinking.


Oh poor @KAOSkonfused, I hope it doesn’t hurt.

If ginger doesn’t offer anything of value today, they’re going on my list.

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Anonymous Poll

Please fill out this poll question correctly. It is anonymous and no one will know what you selected. Results are when closed(I will close this in 24hrs unless everyone has entered their answers before then)

  • I am an astronaut with no special abilities
  • I am a bodyguard
  • I am a detective who did not visit Vagabond, Fiddlehead, or Leira
  • I am a detective who has visited one of Vagabond, Fiddlehead, and Leira
  • I am a detective who visited 2+ of Vagabond, Fiddlehead, and Leira

0 voters

Based on the results, we will vote on if the detective should reveal. If they visited Vaga, Fiddle, and Leira everytime, they won’t help us much to reveal. This is anonymous so we can receive this information without revealing roles. It will also help us learn how many people are claiming each role. The mimics are unable to talk during the day so we may also end up with 3+ people claiming detective, 2+ of which are mimics.

I’m beginning to find the continued insistence that the detective should reveal very suspect. I would imagine the detective to be the best judge of when he or she should reveal their identity. Constantly feeling the need to know who the detective is is a huge red flag for me.

I understand that this could be coming from a desire to protect the detective, but even announcing whether the detective is still in the game or not could be detrimental for our mission, in my opinion.


I want to second calls like this:

It’s too easy for a mimic to float by without offering anything of substance to the discussion.

I’m voting for cool person, since they don’t offer their thoughts and justifications.


@Cool_Person has been suspicous to me throughout the game. I have no better option

I also agree with a lot of you that if someone doesn’t participate much they should get killed.


:policeman: :mag: :skull_and_crossbones: :question:
:policeman: :mag: :violin: :man: :question:
:policeman: :mag: :man_farmer: :two: :question:
:policeman: :mag: :guitar: :mermaid: :question:


It isn’t necessarily not participating. It is also not sharing opinions or thoughts. Or just posting a ton of useless junk (ex: if I just posted random pictures and talked about brawl stars(Brawls stars seems to be a werewolf topic) in all of my posts “Now here is a picture of me doing x in brawl stars”). I would be participating, but with a bunch of junk that doesn’t help anyone, but could help keep me alive.

Yes what? Why are you saying yes?

Why? Why have they been suspicious the entire game? Is it something they said or did? Is it something they didn’t do? Have you reconsidered at all? Why did you end up voting vagabond yesterday? One instance of when someone does this could mean they are both mimics, one is just trying to kill the other one to try and improve their chances. That is what I think of when I see this.




I would have used :merman: for Leira, so I think this is probably correct.

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My thoughts were if the detective always inspects the people that died, it isn’t a ton of help for them to reveal themself.

Well I guess I could delete the poll if everyone thinks that. I will replace it with a screen shot of what used to be there. I am only doing this if it has more than just you who wants this.

No, I think the poll should stay. It’s already been posted and votes have already been cast. I just don’t think we should expect the detective to care much about a few crew members asking him or her to reveal.


OOC: I don’t get it, and Google only offers “substance” results connected to Leira.



It’s from this:
