Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics



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Nice work, @RubyMineshaft! It goes without question that @Starline should be voted out today.

It seems that @Samraku (taking over for @Sports_for_Life) has now been affected by MED!

I’m having trouble deciphering what they might be saying.

  • No idea what the first line :fireworks: etc means
  • The second line seems to be about @Cool_Person, and maybe mentions Sports?
  • The third line is also indecipherable to me

@Cool_Person could be a mimic only pretending to be a bodyguard, but their allegiance should become obvious tonight, since they should die tonight protecting @RubyMineshaft. If @RubyMineshaft is killed instead, then we will know that the last mimic is @Cool_Person.

After we kill them, if @Starline turns out to be innocent (which is unlikely in my opinion), then we would know that @RubyMineshaft was a mimic.


Actually, maybe this

means “Kill @Starline”?

I think we’ve been using :night_with_stars: :wavy_dash: to denote @Starline

But I think :star: would be even more clear


Good morning everyone!
There is a small dictionary already :slight_smile:

We now are 8 astronauts against two mimics and will vote out another mimic this evening (I think that is what @Samraku tried to say).
That also means we will be 7 astronauts against one mimic tomorrow! :smiley: We almost won. We know @RubyMineshaft will reveal another role to us tomorrow or we will know @Cool_Person lied and is the third mimic.


I think there are only 9 of us left (7 humans, 2 mimics)

  1. RubyMineshaft (claimed to be detective)
  2. HHG (innocent according to Ruby)
  3. Cool_Person (claimed to be bodyguard)
  4. Samraku (replaced Sports_for_Life)
  5. Assai
  6. KAOSkonfused
  7. yebellz
  8. ginger2008
  9. Starline (mimic according to Ruby)

If we kill Starline as a mimic, and Cool_Person dies tonight, we will be left with 7 people tomorrow (6 human, 1 mimic):

  1. RubyMineshaft (claimed to be detective)
  2. HHG (innocent according to Ruby)
  3. Samraku (replaced Sports_for_Life)
  4. Assai
  5. KAOSkonfused
  6. yebellz
  7. ginger2008

Best case would be that Ruby finds the last mimic, but at worst, he will confirm another person as innocent. Either way, we can kill the last mimic, @ginger2008, and win the game.


@Starline, what do you have to say in defense of yourself? I mean, Ruby’s probably a detective (a) Why kill one of your own, b) If they were an innocent, they are lucky.)

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Some interesting observations about @Starline’s past statements

“Forgot” to mention ginger altogether

Subtly puts their self and ginger at the bottom of the list

Finds ginger to be highly suspicious, but their reasoning

seems highly contrived, and almost seems like a deliberate straw man argument for someone else to knock down. Prior to this post, @ginger2008 had only used the word “we” a few times:

“Pretend” is an interesting choice of words. A human would be uncertain, but a mimic would have to pretend.


Good morning everybody! *KAOS smiles* I’m feeling sooo much better now! Finally I can :speaking_head: again!
*looks around* Wait, where is :smiley:? :open_mouth: Has Haze disappeared? Oh no… :worried: So that means he really was a :muscle::man:, uhm, bodyguard, and he died while protecting Ruby!

*turns to Ruby and Yebellz*
So - I was right to suspect Starline? He really is a mimic?
Now, thinking about what he said before, I am even more convinced that Cool is the remaining mimic - and not ginger.
Like I said - or tried to say - yesterday: I think Cool lied about being a bodyguard. Actually, Gia already admitted that Leira was the other bodyguard, when she said yesterday:


I think we should kill Starline, investigate Cool (If they get killed (mimics kill person to investigate) => they are innocent, if they are the bodyguard, it’s the same as if the mimic(s, depending on Starline) attacked Ruby. If they are innocent innocent, why would they do a false claim? If they are the mimic, Ruby is dead (assuming the bodyguard is dead, by Gia’s words), but we deduce that Cool isn’t the bodyguard (unless he doesn’t protect Ruby?) we won.)
Whoops, thanks Ruby.


Sports was replaced, not Cool


My mistake, I counted Sports_for_Life. But that also means I misunderstood a little bit what Samraku said:

I think he referred to last night. We lost one innocent astronaut (Haze), but we also got rid of a mimic (Gia).




Cool_Person is a mimic? I think we should kill Starline (who we confirm to be a mimic), and investigate Cool (who we think is a mimic).


We don’t need to investigate Cool tonight, even though we might suspect them.

Most likely Cool will either die tonight (confirming that they are indeed a bodyguard protecting Ruby) or Ruby dies (confirming that Cool is a mimic). If both Cool and Ruby stay alive, then the mimics would help us by reducing the suspect pool and we get another investigation for free, so that only improves our situation.

Ruby should investigate one of the other players, which will be useful for us if Cool dies and Ruby lives.

@Samraku, I’m not sure what you are saying. Can you trying using some other symbols to help clarify?







Im still confused by your MED speech.

Is :customs: inspect?

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@RubyMineshaft , if you don’t mind, please inspect me next night. I am a innocent with no abilities. I don’t want to die!

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:gem: :arrow_right: :male_detective:
:cool::hatched_chick: :arrow_right: :alien:
:house::house::giraffe: :arrow_right::man_astronaut:
:a::heavy_dollar_sign: :arrow_right: :man_astronaut:
:bell: :arrow_right::man_astronaut:



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