Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

:ok_hand: :grinning: Thanks! @Samraku! ( You can suspect me if you want, but I swear that I am a human.)


:man_shrugging: :thinking:

:game_die: :arrow_right: :man_astronaut: :man_astronaut::alien:

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Hi everyone! Why does everyone think I am a mimic? I looked at some previous posts including this one by @Samraku: :cool::hatched_chick::arrow_right::alien:

I don’t know how to say it but I am a Bodyguard. Thanks @RubyMineshaft for figuring out that Starline is a Mimic, otherwise I would probably be killed this round and not able to pertect RubyMineshaft so they could live another round. This is all for now but I will post soon.

Also @Samraku Why do you suspect me being an alien? I bet I will get killed in the night though because I am probably going to get killed because I will guard @RubyMineshaft and I bet the rest of the aliens will want to kill RubyMineshaft.

So I seem to have 2145 minutes left to live. In my last few hours on this planet, I would like to say I never wanted to come here, but I was blackmailed into doing so. I cannot disclose all the details of how, but I will say this -
I know who the other mimic is (of course), so I can confidently say, that Cool Person is not a mimic.
I am wondering how to spend the last 2144 minutes of my very short existence, I’m really sad, as I am going to die on my 7th birthday. I have nothing else to say, really.
2142 minutes.
2141 minutes.
2140 minutes.
I should really stop watching the time tick away and do something in my last 2139 minutes. This “music” thing you humans are always talking about isn’t too bad, I might try it. I hope I have appeased the spirits enough to be more fortunate in the next dimension.


Does this mean you need someone to translate? Please answer :white_check_mark: or :x: .
I can do that (or at least try). Please give me feedback on my translations with :white_check_mark: or :x: as well.

As I said before - Gia has basically admitted that Leira was a bodyguard, and we know Haze was the other bodyguard, so it is very likely that you are lying. We don’t know for sure, of course, and @yebellz is right - we don’t even need to investigate you at the moment, because if you are indeed a bodyguard, you will be killed anyway tonight. But if you’re still alive tomorrow, and Ruby is dead, we will know that you’re a mimic. If you’re both alive tomorrow, though, it’s clear that the remaining mimic is trying to fool us, and then it will be interesting to learn what @RubyMineshaft investigated.

So it is probably better if Ruby inpects @ginger2008 or @Samraku tonight, even though I think they are probably innocent.




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Ok, sorry, then I don’t get the phrase with the custom signs.

You mean, Cool is an alien,
because Cool voted against Sports?

Btw, if you want to talk about votes, there is also a ballot sign under “Objects”: :ballot_box:




But why do you believe the mimic, (Gia) over me? Luckily I will not be killed in the day though I will be killed at night because of Pertecting the BODYGUARD, @RubyMineshaft

I think that has more to do with their “rivalry”.


@Samraku Why do you think I am evil just because I voted against sports for life? I am an innocent bodyguard who will guard @RubyMineshaft in the next night.

What do you mean “Rivalry?” I am confused so can you please explain, @HHG

I think HHG is referring to mutual suspicions and votes that @Cool_Person and @Sports_for_Life have shown against each other throughout this game. It seems that @Samraku (replacing Sports) has persisted with that trend.


@Sports_for_Life, you are no longer playing in this game. Please do not vote in the poll. You were replaced by Samraku due to inactivity.

Current status of the vote is all 9 players voting against Starline.


:cool: :hatching_chick: :on: :man_astronaut: :weight_lifting_man: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :cool: :hatching_chick: :firecracker: :fire: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :rugby_football: :rugby_football: :thinking: :thought_balloon: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :eight_spoked_asterisk: :rugby_football: :rugby_football: :ballot_box: :ballot_box: :tea: :hot_face:

:arrow_up_down: :left_right_arrow: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :man_astronaut: :man_astronaut: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Trying to translate for @Samraku above

If @Cool_Person is innocent, then @Cool_Person will die, which implies Sports (AKA Samraku) thinks that we should guess on voting out either Sports (Samraku) or @ginger2008.
Either way, the innocents will win.

@Samraku, is that :white_check_mark: or :x:?




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Well, the mimics are probably not going to kill you tonight, so you can just tell us tomorrow.


It is so unusually quiet on our station today… Everybody seems to need some time to digest what happened, and apparently no heated discussion is needed now. Starline will die tonight, and we’ll see tomorrow if we’ll learn something new, even though it means another one of us will be dead by then.