Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

:open_mouth: :no_mouth:

:man_astronaut: :100: :white_check_mark:
:house: :house: :giraffe:

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:alien: :question:
:a: :heavy_dollar_sign:

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

:left_right_arrow: :arrow_up_down:
:man_astronaut: :woman_astronaut: :trophy:

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:rugby_football: :ballot_box: :tea: :question: :question:

I think, @Samraku voted for @Ginger before Ruby confirmed Gingerā€™s innocence.


Yeah, I forgot to update my vote. Iā€™ve changed it to the person I currently suspect the most by process of elimination: @yebellz.

The posts today seem to confirm KAOS and Assaiā€™s probable innocence, and the argument that the mimics would target yebellz for his analytical skills seems very convincing indeed. Does anyone want to play devilā€™s advocate since yebellz appears to be suffering from MED?


:pray: :pray: :pray:

:bell::speaking_head::symbols: :arrow_right: :man_astronaut::speaking_head::abc:

:earth_asia: :heavy_plus_sign: :bell: :thought_balloon:

:tea: :hot_face: :left_right_arrow: :man_astronaut: :100: :white_check_mark:
:house: :house: :giraffe: :left_right_arrow: :man_astronaut: :100: :white_check_mark:

:gem: :left_right_arrow: :man_astronaut: :nine: :nine: :heavy_minus_sign: :alien: :one:
:rugby_football: :soccer: :left_right_arrow: :man_astronaut: :nine: :zero: :heavy_minus_sign: :alien: :one: :zero:

:a: :heavy_dollar_sign: :left_right_arrow: :alien: :man_astronaut: :question:
:horse: :left_right_arrow: :alien: :man_astronaut: :question:
:bell: :heavy_dollar_sign: :left_right_arrow: :alien: :man_astronaut: :question:

:bell: :thought_balloon: :bell: :man_astronaut:
:earth_asia: :thought_balloon: :bell: :man_shrugging: :question:

:four: :man_astronaut::white_check_mark: :heavy_plus_sign: :three: :man_shrugging::question: :fast_forward: :man_astronaut::woman_astronaut::trophy::exclamation:

:clock4: :sunny: :five:
:seven: :people_holding_hands: :left_right_arrow: :six: :man_astronaut: :heavy_plus_sign: :one: :alien:
:ballot_box: :skull_and_crossbones: :bell:

:clock4: :crescent_moon: :five:
:six: :people_holding_hands: :left_right_arrow: :five: :man_astronaut: :heavy_plus_sign: :one: :alien:
:alien: :bomb: :gem:

:clock4: :sunny: :six:
:five: :people_holding_hands: :left_right_arrow: :four: :man_astronaut: :heavy_plus_sign: :one: :alien:
:ballot_box: :skull_and_crossbones: :a: :heavy_dollar_sign:

:clock4: :crescent_moon: :six:
:four: :people_holding_hands: :left_right_arrow: :three: :man_astronaut: :heavy_plus_sign: :one: :alien:
:alien: :bomb: :house: :house: :giraffe:

:clock4: :sunny: :seven:
:three: :people_holding_hands: :left_right_arrow: :two: :man_astronaut: :heavy_plus_sign: :one: :alien:
:ballot_box: :skull_and_crossbones: :horse:

:man_astronaut: :woman_astronaut: :trophy:
:partying_face: :tada: :exclamation:


Iā€™ll try to translate:
Maybe a mimic:

If we kill these three people there will be two innocent astronauts left and we win the game.

Ruby: 99% astronaut, 1% mimic
Sports: 90% astronaut, 10% mimic

Did I get everything right? :slightly_smiling_face:


:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

:a: :heavy_dollar_sign: :thought_balloon: :question:

:exclamation: :ballot_box: :arrow_double_up:

:bell: :ballot_box: :bell:

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Current Status of the Vote

Players voting to execute @yebellz:

  1. @ginger2008
  2. @KAOSkonfused
  3. @Samraku
  4. @yebellz

3 Players have yet to cast votes:

  1. @Assai
  2. @HHG
  3. @RubyMineshaft

I honestly have no idea who we should eliminate today. Of the remaining crew members, we know HHG and Ginger to be innocent. It seems most likely to me that the remaining mimic is either @yebellz or @KAOSkonfused.

However, I find it very odd that an innocent crew member would vote for his own execution. To me, it seems like a desperate ploy by a MED afflicted mimic to come across as a team player.


:skull_and_crossbones: :bell:
:arrow_right: :bell: :man_astronaut:
:arrow_right: :a: :question: :horse: :question: :alien:


Why you think @Samraku is innocent? Iā€™m not sure about that. If everyone had played optimally so far, the probability that Samraku is a mimic would be 25%. The same goes for @KAOSkonfused, @yebellz and me, Assai. Maybe I havenā€™t noticed something, but I think there hasnā€™t been a proof yet that Samraku is innocent. If we canā€™t tell Samraku is innocent, there is a 25% chance your plan will fail.

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:woman_shrugging:t2::yarn: :speaking_head: :rugby_football::soccer: :alien:
:night_with_stars::wavy_dash: :speaking_head: :rugby_football::soccer: :alien:

:seven::five::up: :+1:

:bell: :thought_balloon: :nine::zero::up:

:earth_americas: :thought_balloon: :bell: :alien: :arrow_right: :bell: :skull_and_crossbones: :+1:


Okay, Iā€™ll translate
I first thought someone else should do it, because I openly suspect yebellz, so thatā€™s not an ideal situation. But okay.



We know for sure that HHG and Ginger are astronauts/innocents.

Who can be the mimic?

  • Yebellz
  • Assai
  • KAOS

dead dead dead (?)

Either way, the astronauts will win.

Please translate what I say:

Everyone and also Yebellz thinks:
Ginger and HHG are 100% confirmed innocents.

Ruby is most probably innocent (99%)
Samraku/Sports is probably innocent (90%)

But we donā€™t know about Assai, KAOS and Yebellz if they are innocent or the mimic.

Yebellz knows he is innocent, but everybody else canā€™t know if heā€™s innocent or not.

4 confirmed innocents, 3 unsure, that means the astronauts will win!
(site note: I donā€™t agree with that, see what I already posted. I only translate here.)

Day 5:
7 people: 6 innocents and one mimic.
Yebellz is killed by vote.

Night 5:
6 people: 5 innocents and one mimic.
Ruby is killed by the mimic.

Day 6:
5 people: 4:1
Assai is killed by vote.

Night 6:
4 people: 3:1
Mimic kills HHG.

Day 7:
3 people: 2:1
KAOS is killed by vote.

The astronauts win!

@Assai, what do you think?

(I donā€™t get the second phrase.)

I vote for myself.

When I get killed, you will see that Iā€™m innocent.
Then either Assai or KAOS has to be the mimic.

Gia said, Sports is a mimic, and Starline also said that.
(I donā€™t fully get the next line.)
Therefore, Yebellz thinks Sports/Samraku is innocent with a 90% probability. (??)
Everybody thinks Yebellz is a mimic, and Yebellz will get killed.


Iā€™m mostly with Assai. I believe that Samraku is innocent, but I canā€™t be sure, and that means I donā€™t believe we will definitely win, please also note what I wrote here.

Before this day, I was sure Yebellz is innocent, but after rereading most of our station logs, I find him more suspicious that anyone else. However, if others wonā€™t agree with me, I can totally understand this. Nothing is certain at the moment.

Now, Iā€™m off to my work outside the station, you know, fixing cables, watching over and maintaining our building robots and stuff, so I wonā€™t be able to join the discussion until much later.


:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

The second phrase means yebellz wants me to vote (which I hadnā€™t done at the time).

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:eyes: :ballot_box:

@HHG You havenā€™t weighed in or voted today. Are you still playing?


Yes, I am still playing.
It looks like we have no concrete evidence for any of the four remaining players (yebellz, Assai, KAOSkonfused, and Samraku).
However, as Samraku mentioned, yebellz has been a large contributor to this game, and it would make sense for the mimics to kill him.