Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

Ok will do:

11 good, 3 evil, 14 total.

Dunno where you got the 2 from. There are two bodyguards(is this who you mean when you say protector). The only difference is the bodyguards will die if the person they are protecting is night killed. They would have double the chance of dying, and they have a 1 in 13 shot of picking the detective. Their alternative is to protect themselves which won’t do anything.

I gave up on not posting. I just won’t spam anymore.

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Theoretically. If they decided to chose a mimic, they would have the same chance of dying as if they didn’t choose anyone.

Yes, you did have your vote on me at some point. I think that catalyzed other votes too. I forgot to mention it since I mistakenly thought I must have when talking about the other votes on me as well.

I find it interesting that both Haze and Gia have expressed some sort of affirmation of the other’s innocence. There’s no way for any of us to know if another member of this crew is innocent at this point, any of us could be a mimic.

If we decide to kill today, I think we should kill Haze. His behavior is drastically different than it was during training.

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What game/event are you describing? I don’t remember playing any game/event called training.

@Haze_with_a_Z, do you not remember our astronaut training??

@RubyMineshaft, what’s that nickname you have on your shirt? Werewolf Prime? Curious …

Has anyone seen @HHG? Still stuck in their stasis pod as well?


On your shirt, it writes Pedant. Anyone knows what that means?

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Normally HHG is on now but isn’t.If HHG doesn’t show up in this time frame(I don’t know how long) he might get subbed.

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Some of my impressions so far:

I find the suspicion toward yebellz to be baseless at this point, but I can well imagine why Martians would like to be rid of him. It’s well known that he’s an accomplished logician, very likely the best we have, and this could be crucial to our survival as this thing drags on. I won’t go so far as to call any of us indispensible, but yebellz comes rather close. If we’re going to execute him on a hunch, it better be a very strong one.

Regarding Gia’s earlier confession, I like to think that she was temporarily blinded by ambition but sees the matter differently now. Still, we can’t ignore the possibility that she’s attempting to deflect suspicion through reverse psychology. It’s been known to work after all.

I would agree that Hazy’s position has been rather erratic, but for the moment I’m inclined to dismiss it as extreme nervousness, which can make a person say most anything. He does strike me as a high anxiety sort of guy. There were a couple of moments just before liftoff when I thought he was about to reach for a barfbag.

As for myself, I don’t think I’ve said anything unreasonable, but even that can be suspicious in its own way, I grant you that.

In short, there’s nothing wrong with us speculating. We just need to resist the temptation to run with it on the first day.


What confession? That I saw all of you as competition when we were all competing for a spot in this mission? We are highly trained astronauts, this is not “Space’s Next Best Friend”.


Lt. Yebellz, are you feeling okay? How long have you been showing symptoms of Martian Emoji Disease?

Keep a check on those symptoms. We can’t have MED spreading throughout the crew in the midst of this crisis.


A competitive spirit is perfectly okay Gia. I’m just curious about the severity of the “accident” you say you were wishing for. Here’s your chance to clarify that. A broken toe is one thing, winding up in traction is quite another.


I’d be perfectly OK if you just overslept on exam day. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Written on the microchip in my left hand

I think @Gia has the right approach to wait before voting for someone. If you vote at random to kill someone on Day 1, that seems a bit... suspicious. 

@Sports_for_Life seems a bit suspicious. He thinks we should pick a random person to kill. Also he is posting wayyy more than twice per day phase, which may be evidence.

@yebellz may or may not be a mimic. He is very insistent that he wants to keep us all alive.

@Leira 's logic is correct. 

I don't think @RubyMineshaft is evil.

If we kill someone on day one, that will likely not be a mimic, and that would worsen our chances. People are required to post 2 posts per day phase, and the more information we have, the likelier (Is that a word?) we will know who is a mimic.

I realise that the way I am writing this makes me seem awfully suspicious, trying to figure out who everyone is from day one, but I'm just putting this out there. Besides, I don't even know if I am a mimic. This mission has been really hectic, and a lot of things have been going on.

Also, @Vsotvep posted. He is still alive. He hasn't completely de-materialised.

(last edited: 2088-01-27, 11:51:06)

Current situation with the vote:

@Cool_Person had their vote set on @yebellz just a while ago, but changed it to @Haze_with_a_Z, without providing any notice or justification.

@Cool_Person, what made you change your vote? If you originally suspected me, presumably you may have been convinced by @Haze_with_a_Z’s arguments? Now, it appears that you have gone against them?

I think it’s important for everyone to explain the reasoning behind their decision making. Deciding who to kill should not just be done on a whim, and an over-eagerness to thin our numbers only suggests a desire contrary to the survival of us astronauts.


I will say this. Posting a lot is not evidence of being a mimic. I am not a mimic, although I have posted a lot.


Okay Gia, I’m taking you at your word, for now at least. And hey, you finally get to be a brunette! Cool!


True, nobody should be voting to kill anybody! I mean, it worked out before.
It is far more likely for us to kill one of our own than to kill a Mimic. Also, we have no information to find out who we should set our votes on, so we shouldn’t vote.


Whoops, I forgot to check the forums.


2, why are you voting yebellz? This is unclear to me in this quote.