Check the post from before day 3, this was part of the last thing I posted.
And you are doing so much better than me?
Yes James, I understand it was you that said it not Prof. Ye.
I’m sorry for that.
And you did catch up on the fact that it wasn’t an actual plan.
Attempting to translate for @Leira
- Consider two cases when Hazel might be evil
- Case 1) Zombies don’t kill KingKaio
- End of Day 3: 8 innocent, 2 evil, 6 suspects?
I’m a bit confused by the 6.
- Night 3: 6 innocent, 2 evil, 4 suspects?
Ok, sorry. I miscounted
The “plan” I described was merely to bait you, but it seemed that it was illogical.
(Playing the game through chat is so much different than playing in person)
James refuses to talk? (i didn’t get that last bit)
Look yebellz. I can’t tell if that last comment was serious or not, but leave the actual players ALONE. Its fine to insult the characters and plans people make but when the comments start to get out of the game, that when it becomes a problem. There is no right way to play this game and really is no way to play poorly like you mentioned. We’re all trying to have fun. If you can’t get behind that, I think you should stop playing now.
Ok, after clarifying the suspect count, I’ll continue attempting to translate for @Leira
- Consider two cases when Hazel might be evil
- Case 1) Snatchers don’t kill Maze
- End of Day 3: 8 innocent, 2 evil, 6 suspects
There are 10 players total, assuming that Roy has been killed, reducing it to 2 snatchers.
Assuming four confirmed innocent (James, Butch, Bellz, Maze) leaves six suspects.
- End of Night 3: 6 innocent, 2 evil, 4 suspects
This also means the beginning of day 4, where one suspect is killed by the witch, and a confirmed innocent is killed by the snatchers. However, James should be able to confirm a new person as innocent, so that reduces the suspects to four.
- There’s a chance that the protector dies on Night 3
However, James should still survive the night.
- End of day 4 should see another suspect voted out.
- Night 4: 4 innocent, 2 snatches, 2 suspects?
I think the sign means that James expects to potential die on this night.
However, I think the suspect count is wrong. The snatchers should kill an innocent on Night 4, but if James does die, we won’t be able to reduce the number of suspects. So, we could potentially have 3 suspects after Night 4.
These are self-explanatory, except I think there is an issue with Night 4 essentially assuming that James survives again. Of course, that might happen, or we might get unlucky and see James die on Night 4.
- Case 2) Snatchers kill Maze
Same as before (see item 3 above)
- Night 3: 6 innocent, 1 snatcher, 3 suspects, Maze dies
This is assuming that Hazel is a snatcher.
I think these are self-explanatory, following the same pattern as above, but ultimately it should be an easy win in this case.
- Therefore 8 innocent with 6 suspects works out?
Yes, I think James has it exactly right. The problem is that we can’t trust that Haze is innocent, since it could’ve been a double deception by the soulsnatchers. The main reason this would work for them, is because Haze is a lover, thus killing Haze would have had to happen sooner or later anyways.
However, this plan is very risky, since it could’ve resulted in Haze being voted out, and then Roy being discovered since there are two oracles.
If Haze is included in the strategy, we don’t have enough information to ensure we win. There is a reasonably large chance that James will die in two nights, since we might lose our protector tonight.
Therefore, our best bet is to assume Haze is innocent, and hope that this will win us the game. Especially since most people seem to think Haze is innocent, I think this is the path we should take.
Because nobody believes you anymore. You made contradicting statements, you made plans that would have been bad for us, you accused already two people out of the blue - and these are exactly the two people that I have been quite sure are innocent (even without having an oracle confirm it).
Both Buch / @Vsotvep and Prof. Bellz / @yebellz have put a lot of effort into finding out how we can win against the soulsnatchers, so it is extremely unlikely that they are not innocent.
@syoon, by now we know for sure that you are a soulsnatcher, and your desperate attempts to get someone else executed today won’t help you.
I agree, it’s a bit unfair to you that syoon can talk all this nonsense here to defend himself why you can’t really talk…
Well yeah I was afk.
But the snatchers know who the protector is, right? So if they wated to, they could kill james on night 4.
Why would the snatchers know that?
I mean, it is not unlikely that the person who the soulsnatchers tried to kill on night 1 was the protector who protected themselves, but they can’t know it for sure.