These three can’t be the snatchers (or not all of them), because if Roy / syoon would have been the true oracle, Hazel would be a snatcher.
Hm… Very specific targeting. So now I’m positive James is oracle and snob Prof is innocent.
I’m up for being investigated tonight, since tomorrow I’ll be officially innocent and we can take out Kayo.
Okay. James @Leira, can you please promise me to investigate Marlon tonight? If he turns out to be innocent, kill me if you like.
(Although I still don’t see what makes me especially suspicious, except that I asked what everybody should have asked.)
You’re right, i forgot Hazel. Well the only one i can be sure to be a snatcher is james that’s why i am voting him, if that wasn’t clear enough. And i once again beg you to consider the actual evidence.
Well, there’s the problem - what actual evidence? We don’t have any.
We can only choose to believe either you or James, and we have good reasons to believe him after everything that happened yesterday and made Roy / syoon appear untrustworthy.
Even if you would be right (which is possible, as I said before, but unlikely), there is basically no chance to win in that case. So I (and everyone else) can now only go with believing James, I think, and if that turns out to be right in the end, we’ll win, and if not, we’ll lose. That decision was more or less made yesterday.
I can come up with a few reasons they wouldn’t do that.
- Confusion. If I’m left alive, it will confuse the town and cause them to falsely suspect me so they might think they can get my miskill.
1a. Butch was clear too so they mighta killed them cause they didn’t think they could hit the seer and they were clear and technically I am not clear yet so like they might hope for my elimination. - PR hunting. If they think that butch was prot or some other pr, the wolves might kill butch and hope they are prot so they could kill the seer and stop the game from becoming locked.
Uh, what?
Like I don’t think this is AI or anything indicative but it is just a weird sentence. What is wrong with saying “YOLO”?
Tbh this sound like a bad argument. I didn’t expect that outcome either but I am not going into the day saying “I didn’t think x was mafia but now I do”.
I find marlon more sus then kayo atm.
Also if roy was oracle, they were faking a check. I don’t see why that would happen and they didn’t seem very oracle like yesterday.
Vagabond coulda been almost any role. I don’t think they were witch cause then kaio would prob be dead. They aren’t lover cause I am with kaio. They could be any of the other roles though, and could very well just be an afk oracle too, although I kinda doubt two enemies would cc each other about an oracle claim although I could kinda see a townsperson doing so. Idk if a townsperson fakes a red on me though.
If I were to guess, vagabond skimmed the thread but I don’t think they did much else or even payed explicit attention to it.
The fact that they were afk means that we have almost no information on them atm.
Ok I 100% think that an enemy could do this just as easily as a townsperson. I don’t find that any proof but I guess one could think differently. Also their check/kill probably happens at some point so I don’t think that it does anything to say that.
A question for everyone:
What do you think of Kayo S. and why?
(Like everyone pls answer that for me)
I think they are town for not being tunneled on one outcome and creating their own opinions instead of sheeping other people’s opinions.
Sorry for making this kinda long but I realized after one post that if I wanted to respond to a bunch of things, I would have to do this.
Then proceeds to
Oh my god I feel white hairs growing on my scalp as I read.
I’m assuming this is cause you don’t know what stuff means so I will try to explain everything.
YOLO can mean “you only live once” so I’m assuming that’s what james was talking about but idk if im right or wrong
“I find marlon more sus then kayo atm” - I think that you are more suspicious than kayo at the moment.
“they were faking a check” - like leira checked papa last night. I was saying I thought someone faked a check or peek or whatever we are calling it.
afk means “away from keyboard” I think but I kinda just use it to mean inactive or not present.
cc means counter claim like claiming a role that someone else claimed
“fakes a red” - like I thought if syoon was the oracle, they faked a red on me like they faked me being mafia and called me an enemy even though they aren’t
my descriptions may suck but hopefully they help
In lieu of flowers, please donate to
are you like planning on dying or something?
I understood what you wrote, but it was all so obviously “young people” language to me, and it made sense that, you, young person, thought YOLO was just OK, that I had to comment. And then you proceeded to explain everything to me, like I explain tiktok to my mom, and it killed me. I’m dead.
Not game related
It’s generally frowned upon in some circles. Specially in my age group. But I don’t care, I’m shameless
So what’d I miss?
@papavero and @KAOSkonfused, I do guess it comes down to who you believe, because how it played out. I’m trying hard but I can’t come up with an alternative to the plan that would make innocents win anyway. If you were right, then arguably it would be @yebellz, @Leira and @Haze_with_a_Z the most likely snatchers. That requires 3 turns and 3 turns is all we have before snatchers overwhelm the population. You’d have to commit to that strategy which involves being certain that Roy and @papavero are telling the truth.
I find it more pressing right now to determine if Hazel was part of your plan to begin with. I was never certain one way or the other (in fact, I didn’t vote on that poll). Because right now I count 4 other suspects (excluding Papa Roheas) and, as I said, we have only three more days in the worst case scenario.
Keep in mind if Butch was the protector, you only have tonight.
(and if you die tonight we’ll never know what you found out.)
Why are you dead? Also what is wrong with language that one could call “young people” language. Adults could use it too. Is something bad about YOLO? Is something good about it? Idk what you mean when you say that part. Also I am not trying to explain tiktok to you and you don’t need to do so to me. I don’t even know much about tiktok besides you make videos on it. I don’t have an account or the app and don’t use it.
I’ve never heard of that. Sorry if I caused a problem or insult by asking that.
I might be being stupid, but why is someone gonna believe you if you faked a red check on them or “believe you” if you truly red checked them.
Please someone explain the poor corpse of my joke to Haze.
(a ghastly voice from the afterlife whispered through the reeds:
I wish I knew what it meant to “fake a red check”…
It’s when someone claims that someone else is an enemy when they aren’t and fake that the person is a wolf.
Sorry I have no clue what the joke is. Rip the joke.
Here are my thoughts:
Butch’s death by the snatchers makes sense. He was the most confidently confirmed innocent, and reducing the number of confirmed innocents always helps the snatchers. The snatchers may have also believed that he was more likely to be the protector.
Hazel isn’t nearly as firmly confirmed, since any belief in their innocence rests on believing that Roy was a snatcher and that a snatcher falsely claiming as an oracle wouldn’t reveal a genuine snatcher.
I think Vagabond dying last night (along with Maze surviving and no counter-claim as the witch so far) gives fairly strong confirmation that Maze is actually the witch, and hence we can assume that Maze was telling the truth about saving Hazel on Night 2. While having Hazel actually die on Night 2 would have undermined Roy’s oracle claims, it seems that they were willing to make that trade off to eliminate the witch.
All of our strategy and analysis rests on assuming that James is in fact the oracle, and that we were correct in losing confidence in Roy. I think we made the right decision, due to Roy’s illogical claims on the previous day, but if we have made a mistake, we’ve already sunk our chances of winning, and there’s no fixing that decision now.
James uncovering Papa Roheas makes our vote today obvious. We don’t know if Butch was the protector, and that uncertainty should remain. Since the snatchers don’t know either, they might try to target James tonight, or they might try to continue searching for the protector again. It would be a big gain for us if the protector is alive and James survives direct attack tonight. To avoid ceding ground to us, maybe the snatchers would want to attack someone else tonight. Of course, regardless of what we might guess the snatchers may do, the protector (if still alive) should still continue to protect James (and do so as long as they remain alive).
We’ll have to think carefully about how we prioritize our kills (starting tomorrow, if James has not found another snatcher). The top 3 suspects are Kayo, Marlon, and V. Solis. I think Hazel is probably innocent, and maybe we won’t ever have time to work through the other suspects first anyways…