Werewolf Game 5.1: Trouble in Steelwater Bog

Could you clarify what these phrases mean? I don’t understand.



both enemies together

means anything to the person’s alignment

when one tries to attack teammate slightly or take down a teammate. Voting a teammate would be an example of this.

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The link is attached… something something.

I reviewed the link and it points to the poll, so you are asking about that poll?


The reason I don’t necessarily follow from the poll is because snatchers might want to kill that person, and we gain no advantage from that. At first I thought that it wouldn’t matter, and it really doesn’t if we simply follow Butch’s plan.

But if we gain one turn advantage because of a snatcher mistake, we may also secure a 100% win, considering other possibilities. So I didn’t want to throw that away.


Where it originated from, though? Is it with/with, like buddy-buddies?

Is it capital a/ small L, or AI as in capital a/ capital i? I’m fascinated, trying to guess.

I guessed the meaning, but is it a revolution of “throw under the bus”?
Did I mention I’m fascinated?


no clue. I’ve heard this used by others before so I decided to start using it.

capital a, capital i

pretty sure. I could look it up but I just remember that it is when one attacks their partner.


that poll is fully of suspects. we gain the information that the person isn’t a hunter or isn’t a snatcher in addition to their death. if they were a snatcher, the snatchers don’t think that they are needed to win.

like we may be able to narrow the suspects down if we did investigate elsewhere, but like the snatchers could kill you or another person out of the pool which narrows it down the same amount.

What’s all of this about wolves and mafia and town?

Regardless of getting the themes blended, I have a lot of trouble following the reasoning that Hazel is trying to put forward.

What do you mean by this? Just that everyone in the poll is a suspect? Or do you have a more specific point that you are trying to make?

A player’s alignment is not revealed upon their death. It’s been like this the entire game. I’m confused why you are saying this. Perhaps you mean something else?

What do you mean exactly by elsewhere?

The pool of suspects? I think it’s more likely that the snatchers try to take a shot at James, or targets a more firmly confirmed innocent.

Ultimately, it is a disadvantage to us for James to firmly reveal their investigation target. However, getting some input from the crowd is fine, and it’s helpful to have people on the record for who they think should be investigated.


Ok, I think ive been very confusing(even to myself somehow) so lets try to fix this mess I made…

Hazel was existing…

There was a poll…

Hazel did not suspect everyone in the poll, but the poll still existed, and had most of the players with an unconfirmed role in it. Therefore, it was a poll of suspects to her.

Hazel didn’t see what would be lost by an investigation target being revealed…

Her one thought had been shut down, and she had no clue why it wasn’t being revealed. She didn’t understand this game at this point, and just wanted to know who won. She really hoped it was her or Maze. Maze had been sick, and was staying away to prevent her from being infected. She was disappointed, but was trying to deal with it. She was planning on sneaking over to him later to just chill anyways and hoped that he would feel better by then.

Many of the things you quoted and had questions on were from this part. I have no clue what hurts by doing this and I’m trying to put my logic on paper, but clearly failing.

Hazel was confusing herself…

Hazel had been conversing with herself, but left unable to tell what she had been talking about. It was like she had somehow lost her memory or something. She found this really odd. She then tried to shift into a bird, but it failed. What was happening to her? She took a close look at everyone before heading a bit astray from the path to hope they didn’t target her again.


@Haze_with_a_Z, I’m having trouble following your language usage, so I’m not even necessarily questioning your logical reasoning. I can’t even do that, since I’m struggling with understanding what you are even trying to say sometimes.

I’m not so familiar with some of the slang, and I imagine (with players coming from all around the world) others might find certain phrasing confusing as well.

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Can you please explain to me why it is bad if we know who Liera chooses as an investigation target.

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I think there is no benefit for James to publicly reveal today their investigation target for tonight. Doing so would only give more information to the snatchers to potentially work with. Telegraphing this information to the snatchers gives them the potential choice between killing a confirmed innocent or killing the innocent that James is planning to target. Of course, they may just choose to target James instead tonight.

Are you saying that you think there is potential benefit to revealing the intended investigation target?

James asked for our input via a poll, but is not committing to leaving the investigation choice to democratic vote, since (I think) he wishes to avoid revealing his investigation choice to the snatchers. Even though the poll is not binding James to any sort of action, everyone voting in it is creating a record of what they think about the question.


I just don’t think there is a downside to this information being public. And my logic was basically “there isn’t a negative effect so maybe there is a positive one”.

Imagine the perspective of the snatchers. They have to choose who they kill tonight. Do you want them to have certainty of who is being investigated? Or would it be better for them to be uncertain?

If James publicly reveals who they plan to investigate tonight (and that person is actually innocent), then the snatchers also have the option of targeting that person as another way to kill a confirmed innocent.

If James does not publicly reveal his investigation target (and the snatchers remain uncertain), then if the snatchers want to go after another confirmed innocent (instead of attempting a shot at James tonight, since they might want to avoid being blocked by the protector), they are limited in their potential options that would certainly remove a confirmed innocent.


Yeah, now I’m starting to get confused. I, too, think having a poll as to whom to investigate is nothing more than a sondage. James sees who suspects whom without everybody having to write paragraphs, and that’s alright. Saying publicly whom he is indeed going to investigate is a bad move, and I believe he is not going to do that; and if he does, he will lie to confuse the snatchers.

As long as the snatchers can’t know if the protector is still in the game, they can’t target James, lest they probably waste a move. I wonder who’s the most likely target then. Let’s hope they don’t use discobot to determine their victim. That would become really confusing for us

But anyway, with Roy and Papa gone, there’s only one left and we can start using the singular.

And @Haze_with_a_Z, I’m soon a thirty years old European and have no contact at all with American or other English speaking teenagers (except maybe on the internet). Sometimes I, too, have trouble understanding you.


To be fair, the fact that time passes and we’re left behind is mostly our problem, not the young one’s. :wink::stuck_out_tongue:

(what I would like, though, is some consistency with game terminology, we can’t have mafia and wolves and stuff, and some clear way to follow the idea; maybe re-reading to see if it makes sense and editing if needed. I might tease @Haze_with_a_Z that I don’t understand the slang, but I had to google “sondage” as well (I’m in no way saying this as a bad thing @Sanonius, it was a ready example). So, it’s never going to be 100% perfect, each of us know what they know.)


I completely agree with Gia on this.

I don’t mind slang words being used in general, but I’d like to be able to understand every post in this game without much effort. :wink:

Whaaat? You always sound so much older. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But, uhm, back on topic:
I’m fine with James’ / Leira’s poll. When playing with blind elimination, all polls and opinions might become a source of information later on, so they are generally a good thing. And it makes sense to leave the decision up to James. I didn’t see that earlier (which is why I found it so weird that he investigated Papa Roheas first), but now I get it; even though I’m not sure how much of a difference it really makes, it can’t be wrong to withhold that information from the snatchers.


Probing! That was the word I was looking for.

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You have no idea how “with it” I am when I speak my native language. :grin:


Ok first of all, I thought I fixed the main issues in the last few posts, although I was a bit lazy to go farther.

Also seeing as I am forgetting my point in some of my posts, maybe I shouldn’ta posted them in the first place.

I don’t see how it helps the snatchers any more to know who James wants to choose, but it seems like most people don’t want it to be public so I will stop arguing about this.

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End of Day 4

As Sapphire approached with the talisman, Papa Roheas (@papavero) looked around frantically at the rest of the group.

Wait! Don’t do this!

Somebody stop her. You’re making a huge mistake. I’m the Protector!

But it was too late. The talisman touched his skin, and his soul was ripped from his body, leaving behind nothing more than an empty husk.

@papavero has been eliminated.


Night came and went.

Sapphire awoke positively brimming with life energy, and it felt amazing. The sapphire embedded in her chest shone so brightly that if the humans were to see her in true form, they’d likely be blinded.

Now there’s an idea! Too bad it’s unnecessary. I’m not going to waste energy dropping and putting back up this human disguise just to see the humans claw at their eyes in agony no matter how much fun it might be.

She walked past Marlon’s corpse, which was lying face down near the entrance to his tent, with hardly a glance. The pig of a human had made so many unseemly comments towards her… Image that, a human coming on to a Stone Eater. Laughable. If he had only known the ways she could make him suffer. The thought had crossed her mind more than once, she had to admit.

This hunt had brought her eleven souls. Eleven! She and Ruby wouldn’t need to hunt for quite a few years if they were conservative with magic use. It wasn’t easy being brilliant. That dimwitted Opal could never pull off something this grand even if she had a full century to prepare. She rolled her eyes at the thought of her and Ruby’s idiot of a cousin. Was it really any wonder that Opal had only managed to capture one Soulsnatcher during the war while she and Ruby had captured four?

Mara’bin-jera and Yakiri-jera went into action at once. Ta’Zel-uruz, however, simply folded her arms and refused to move.

Ruby appeared in the doorway and lazily drew his rune in the air.

Ta’Zel… You heard what Jera said.

I’ve got to hand it to you, Sis. Another beautifully orchestrated hunt.

Ta’Zel-uruz joined the others in collecting the remaining souls for her master.