Werewolf Game 5.1: Trouble in Steelwater Bog

Prof. Ye Bellz heard his name and “magnum opus” mentioned, but he hesitated to speak up. It seems that while this enthusiastic youth, James (@Leira), had read his book, he did not yet recognize that the author was in his presence. Ye had long dealt with unwanted attention from obsessive fanboys/girls fascinated by his “true” stories about werewolves, vampires, and the like. The entire Twilight Saga, especially at the peak of its popularity, led to an especially brutal time of suffering its overzealous fans. Luckily, the over-flattering and completely unrealistic author photo on the book jacket prevented Ye from being easily recognized, except by the most devoted followers. For now, Ye was happy to enjoy a bit of anonymity in this crowd.

The reality of Ye’s expertise in the subject of cryptozoology and the paranormal was that it was all an elaborate ruse, with stories concocted from half-truths and legend, and supposed evidence often distorted or fabricated entirely. It all began with a drunken bar bet several decades ago, where he took the challenge to take up research and ultimately defend a thesis revolving around the Loch Ness Monster, which somehow launched a “research” career that went more successfully than he could have ever imagined. It snowballed into further “research” and publications, which over the years leaned more and more heavily toward creative writing and stretching the truth, rather than any semblance of actual scientific inquiry. Despite the overwhelming rejection by the scientific community, exemplified by the occasional scathing editorial response characterizing his work with harsh and incendiary language such as “we respectfully find [the work] to be without firm basis in factual events and lacking in scientific rigor”, the general public loved it and happily gobbled it all up. Hence, this established popular success that somehow landed him a professorship. Of course, it was understandable why, given his knack for ensuring the flow of “grant” money, albeit not from the traditional funding sources, but rather unconventional ones like Hollywood studios and advertising agencies looking to cash in on the vampire/werewolf craze.

Now, seemingly in spite of his own disbelief in the paranormal stories that he peddled upon the gullible masses, Ye found himself facing the very threats that earlier he would have privately dismissed, all the while still selling such fables to the media-consuming public. He had come here since he had heard the rumors, which were made quite compelling through multiple accounts. Unlike past “field work”, which were often thinly veiled expeditions in debauchery, while paid for by the funding agencies, this time, Ye was finally facing the real thing, and it filled him with a sense of dread and trepidation unlike anything he remotely experienced before.

Surprised that Marlon (@Gia) had managed to tear his attention away from chasing tail, in order to actually comment on the state of the dire situation, Ye turned to him to address his supposition.

—Marlon, what makes you believe that Hazel (@Haze_with_a_Z) is a witch? Further, such a magic user could be vitally useful to our efforts in overcoming the soulsnatchers, and seeking to publicly reveal their identity might harm our cause.


No? I read too much into it?

Marlon was thinking how people who are so into finding the truth sometimes don’t fight back when the truth finds them. Some of these dedicated monster hunters may welcome the snatching since it opens for them a door into the previously unknown, and won’t be too stressed by the thing that everyone else considered a fate worse than death.
He then thought to ask for the local bar, maybe the bartender would be some bushy-tailed thing and not a hardened ex-prisoner or something.


Hazel was a newby to adventuring…

This was their first trip…

They had always been a paranoid one when thinking about themselves. And they especially didn’t wanna be soul snatched. At this time, they shall not claim their role because they do not find it necessary. They will share this about the witch though. There is a 1 in 12 chance that they are the witch and an 11 in 12 chance that they aren’t.

They hadn’t yet encountered any monsters…

“Is this odd?”, they asked, and were responded with the answer of “yes”. For some reason, they hadn’t encountered any monsters since setting off this morning. They then thought “maybe the soul snatchers have something to do with this”, and started to worry.

There were some downsides(besides the soul snatchers existing)…

With no monsters, she couldn’t level up, unlock new abilities, or try out hard shell. She had tested out the orange and red crab abilities earlier, and thought they were hard to move around in and didn’t like them as much as the bird.

They were to take a short break soon…

Hazel requested that she go off hunting on their own during this break. She had wanted to try battling some of those bats in a nearby cave, and hoped she could learn sound magic from them or at least level up and unlock some new ability. She was unsure of who the soul snatchers were, and didn’t want to be taken alone with one of them. She barely had gotten to know any of them and now she didn’t know who to trust. She went off to Sapphire to ask.

Her request was accepted…

And she shifted into a bird and flew off into the sky in search of the cave. She had an hour to do all of the hunting that she wanted to while the others rested, and then they would be on the move, moving closer to their destination for that day. She didn’t want to get lost, so she would make sure to be back by the time they left this area.


What!? She has turned into a bird to go flying around?

Ye wondered how Marlon ever had time to notice such curious things given his apparently single-minded focus on pursuing the women in our party. The professor now went off to follow Hazel, caught up and tried to have a discreet word with her.

Hazel, what are you? If you do indeed have some sort of magical powers that may help us in this ordeal, I think it would be wise to keep them concealed, lest you become the target of the soulsnatchers.

Ye did not know what to make of Hazel’s actions, and her seemingly flaunting her magical abilities in front of some of our party. Maybe she thinks that a protector may shield her every night from the soulsnatchers? Or perhaps it is all a ruse to make use think that she is an innocent witch, while she may really something else?

At next the opportunity that the entire group was assembled, Ye gave the following advice.

Some of us may have special abilities that could help us greatly, which would naturally make them prime targets for the soulsnatchers. Thus, I think that now is not the time to reveal those abilities. When it does become advantageous to do so, revelations should be done without ambiguity. The soulsnatchers may try to fool us with false revelations, but I cannot see any advantage to an innocent falsely claiming a role, since that may only confuse us further.


Well, Hazel’s a fine specimen, but I kept all my limps attached by following one rule: I don’t I-don’t-want-mods-to-have-a-heart-attack-use-your-imagination crazy.


Should the witch reveal themselves

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

The archeologist turned his blankets into a hammock and witnessed his elder colleague’s speech from the shade of some trees. Maybe he snould get up and join the gathering.

Yeah, let us not, er, jump to conclusions. The … sad thing is, we will have to kill each other to survive this kind of mission. Quest. trip. but to keep the body count as low as possible, we must wait until tomorrow that somebody has died to have a clue as to how to proceed further. If the witch or any other person with … errr talents is revealed now and killed tonight before their effict could take place, we’re no wiser than the day before.


@Gia, @Haze_with_a_Z, and @Sanonius still have to vote, so far we’re all voting for nobody.

Kayo didn’t answer Marlon’s crude attempt to get her attention - except that she gave him a scorning look from above.

I don’t think Hazel is the witch. Coming out as the witch today would be a pretty bad move. Hazel is just… well, a bit magic, I guess. She shrugs and looks at Hazel with calm admiration.


(Marlon was a tall guy in his mind, but if the world perceives him as short, he’ll take it. :woman_shrugging:)


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Help Wanted in Steelwater Bog [Werewolf 5.1 Sign-up]


I am not going to confirm or deny everyone’s suspicions of me being witch. I was pretty sure that we were monster hunters so I kinda brought an adventurer theme to my character. Also I think that kinda magic would be super cool to use so like I obviously I wanted my character to be able to do that.

I decided to be a mage before this game started. Not an archer, not a tank, not a swordsperson, not whatever else one could think of. Like I think of a which as a potion maker. They make potions. I don’t find that as exciting as a mage adventurer. None of the other roles are exciting as a mage either.

I may be the witch, I may not be the witch. Which one I am will probably be made clear as the game goes on, but for now, I don’t think any roles should claim. Besides the soul snatchers. I’m good if they wanna claim.

Also like is there something I should call the innocents this game besides innocents(for some reason I don’t like calling people innocents. idk why. I like saying townsperson better)(cause like townsperson/townspeople doesn’t really fit the theme)? Like if not, I’ll prob keep calling us a group because like it is a group of us and “monster hunters” I guess could work but that is kinda long.


With eyes as sharp as a hawk’s, Butch notices Hazel drawing some arcane symbols in the swampy mud. With ears as keen as a dog’s, Butch hears Hazel whisper the name of the most silent member of this expedition, @seanp.

Well ah’ll be darned! That young’n is fixin’ to git @seanp killed!


OOC again(meant to put it in last post but forgot):

Like I really like this quote for some reason. Like not about the game though but about my character.

Back in Character:

Hazel had been approached whilst setting off…

She had a conversation

“I am a mage, obviously. How else would I be able to shapeshift and use these cool abilities? We do have to go monster hunting after all!”, she said.

Hazel began to grow worried

How is it that Ye doesn’t know what a mage is? Didn’t he sign up to go monster hunting too? Shouldn’t he know what a mage is?

What Hazel didn’t know…

Hazel had grown up in a kinda isolated village named Wocrava, and didn’t know that mages were different out there. It was her first time leaving the village with strangers and hadn’t yet seen any other mages perform magic. Many other mages had other skills they could use, but Hazel didn’t know any other skills like that. She had never learned.

Thus Hazel came back without hunting…

Hazel came back and rejoined the group. She had grown suspicious of Ye after earlier, and made sure to stick to the opposite side of the group from them. She was relieved to notice seanp on the other side too. Hazel was worried that they were either an assassin or a soul snatcher from their presence, and didn’t feel like dying yet.

She noticed who she was standing with…

Hazel noticed Kayo standing near her. Since no monsters had shown up yet, Hazel hadn’t seen anyone in action. She asked Kayo(@KAOSkonfused), “Are you an adventurer? Could you teach me what you usually do while adventuring?” All she hoped was that this Kayo person wasn’t just a soul snatcher right next to her.

Right then it was time to head out again…

Hazel walked right alongside them to listen to them share this, and then moved on to asking other people. She was interested in hearing stories from adventurers because Milxey had never gone adventuring, and Hazel the few adventurers from her village. She just hoped that the soul snatchers wouldn’t act during the day.


OOC(because sometimes it is hard to talk about the game IC and idk if it was noticed when I tried):

I have mentioned that I believe it is beneficial for us to try voting someone today, and I chose seanp because although they have voted, they have also stayed silent, and often the silent ones are enemies, as shown in some previous games. I also don’t believe they mentioned this and therefore find it a bit weird.


I partly agree with Haze_with_a_Z about the part of trying to vote, but if we just assume someone is a werewolf we could kill our Human Detective like we did in Robots in Tehrill.

By the way, @syoon could you remember to not vote in future rounds


Butch had walked up to the novice mage and with no effort at all he lifted the young lass of the ground by her robes, menacingly looking her in the eyes.

Ye beddur explain yeself their, missy!

In his mind the answer offered by the startled magician sounded like “a pile o’ hooey”. The hunter whispered:

Ah’m keepin’ mah eyes pealed…

He put the poor thing back down on the ground and went back to creating wood chips.


Okay, I’m voting for @seanp as well. They’ve just been sitting there silently, and if they refuse to participate in the discussion, it won’t help us find the soulsnatchers. The difficulty of our situation is that even when people die, we still won’t have certainty about whether they were a hunter or a snatcher.

The only tools we’ll have available are the voting patterns of how people decide to kill (presumably the snatchers might try to protect each other), and maybe some information from the oracle, if they eventually come forward. However, when we all vote to kill no one, it does not give any information about what factions may have formed and who people might be trying to protect.


Dear Milxey,

Adventuring is fun! I like to go monster hunting and it can be chill being in a group with others.

Unfortunately, we found out earlier that there are some soul snatchers among us. I don’t want my soul eaten. I don’t think this happens on every mission though because I don’t think many of them would come if that was the case. They all seem just as surprised as me.

There is someone big named Butch that is in our group. They picked me up and they are scary. I don’t like being picked up by random people I don’t know, especially ones that could very well be out to kill me. I got worried while he picked me up, but luckily he put me down quickly before I could get too scared.

There is also a scary professor(I think at least, sorry if I’m wrong) named Ye. I’m worried that they became an enemy because they were surprised to see that I could do magic. They came to me away from the group and warned me against doing this. It was weird because no one had ever done that before with me.

It’s been an experience so far and I hope I can come home and tell you of the tale when this is all over. I even levelled up and unlocked some crab skills this morning.

See you soon,
Hazel (:
Hazel then stuffed this letter into their pocket and hoped to learn some magic later to send it with.

(parentheses are OOC in this post.

Also I don’t currently think that Ye or Butch are enemies, just my character is nervous of them

And y’all hate my reasoning for voting seanp, but if they just came on and posted, I’d feel much more comfortable voting nobody today, even if I do think that another choice would be better in this scenario. So at least until they come on to actually post in here, my vote will stay there. If they don’t come, it shall end the day there. If they do come, I will consider voting nobody today.)


Papa didn’t know what shooked him the most between the words of “Prof” Ye and Butch snapping on the words of the magician. He was staring in the void with his eyes wide open.
Although he did not approve of butch’s methods, he agreed on the message he wanted to send. The young magician’s exuberant enthusiasm was bringing some confusion, when all they needed was peace and quiet to reflect on what to do next.
He went through his calculations in his head one more time, and after a deep breath he spoke:

Professor Ye, i am sorry to disagree with you but since i am a man of science won’t let our faith in the hands of chance and gamble on the first day. Expecially when the odds are clearly against us!
Killing someone on the first day has 25% chance of taking down a soulsnatcher. “Awesome”, you might think. But that’s only half of the story. The other half is that we have 75% of the odds kill an innocent! To be compleetly honest i find your bloodthirst rather worriyng. Our best hope is that the Oracle lives through as many nights as possible to gather informations and hopefully discovers some of those ill creatures. While i agree that the lack of comunication is a suspicious behaviour, I think we should let @seanp some time to start contributing to our goal. We don’t have much to lose by waiting another day or twoo, don’t we?