Werewolf S06: An Emperor in Atari

The Open Call thread has been updated with an explanation. You can follow this link.



The pause is over. The game now continues.


"Χαίρε Ιωάννη,

Due to internal conflicts and to prevent further discord between the prisoners, @RubyMineshaft was summarily executed, may God forgive his sins.
The situation is under control and no further investigation is required.

You will be pleased to know that a late order arrived just after you left last night.
In his infinite wisdom, our Emperor has decided to accept the pleas that Lord’s Zal granddaughter has been making in place of her late mother, and Lord Zal @Haze_with_a_Z has been returned to his family.
Thankful for God’s Grace, Lord Zal has decided to devote himself to a life of penance, and will reside for the rest of his days in the Monastery previously owned by his family, praying for the favor of our Holy Roman Empire and for all our sins.

May God grace the Emperor and may Mother of God protect us all."

Søtsten Badukson :crossed_swords:

Søtsten felt a slight twitch as he was writing about that family’s devotion to save a falsely accused man, so long after he had been rendered useless; probably just the cold. Nothing an early cup can’t fix.


Night Shift 4 has ended. @RubyMineshaft received the majority of votes, so he was reported to the Warden for execution.

Prisoners are not allowed to communicate in this thread until the next Night Shift begins.

Leiros read the note. He’d not seen Lord Zal in his cell coming in, and had assumed that his age had finally gotten the best of him.

It was, however, relieving to know that the old man wouldn’t have to suffer some gruesome death. He’d been imprisoned long before, and didn’t have any business with the deposed Isaakios. And as moving as the Emperor’s mercy was, he couldn’t afford the same for the rest of the prisoners, who’d already sealed their fate when they decided to back the former despot.

“Ruby’s just another pawn. Another trade in this Zatrikion.”

Day Shift 4 has started.

Only players with special characters can interact in their designated threads until 2021-02-18T18:00:00Z



Dear players

As you’ve been informed @Haze_with_a_Z will no longer be playing. No replacement will be made.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Werewolf Game 6.0 Open call


Hello Players,

For reasons outside the game, I’ll not be available today nor Saturday for the shift change. So, we’ve decided to extend this day shift another 24 hours, until 2021-02-19T18:00:00Z, which would fix the scheduling issues. Players with special roles can extend their submissions until then.

Otherwhise, please take it as a short vacation, if you will. :wink:

Thanks for your understanding, see you tomorrow.


Søtsten woke up drenched in sweat, immediately freezing in the evening winter currents.
He hadn’t dreamed for a long time, but he yelped himself awake.

In his dream, blood was pouring on a flag bearing the Byzantine star and crescent emblem, drenching the flag in red. An emperor carved in marble was trying to light the flag on fire, and screams were heard all over.


Another day passes and there’s nothing to report. Rumors had got to Leiros’ ears that a different threat was brewing outside the city walls.

“They better get this over with soon”, he frowned. Every day Isaakios remained alive was another missed opportunity.

At the end of Day Shift 4, everyone was alive and accounted for.

Day Shift 4 has ended
Players may no longer interact in their designated threads, until the next shift.


Night of February 2nd, 6710 ε.Κ.

Søtsten didn’t know what to make of things; he urgently needed information tonight.

Clement Sericus really didn’t have a stomach for prison food, it seems he got an allergy reaction again. Søtsten had seen Ακρίτες with worse food rations, so his pity run short.
He continued his rounds.


Night Shift 5 has started
Players can interact during the night, until Day Shift starts at 2021-02-21T18:00:00Z

@Claire_yang has Emoji Disease and will only be able to post emojis for night phase 5.

Who do you think is an Assassin and should be reported to the Night Warden for execution?


Good evening, my friends. It seems my throat is working again.

I wish to clarify my position from yesterday, and why I find @fiddlehead a bit unfair, as I did give clarification as best as I possibly could.

I was trying to say that it is not good to make an overview of which people are most suspicious / least suspicious the day before of the actual execution of the most suspicious person, since in the night, this would provide the assassins with information on who to execute: namely the least likely assassin.

Hence, although I honestly had no idea yesterday who to suspect, and still have barely any leads right now, I did not want to make a person more suspicious, on the chance that the assassins could use this information to eliminate people who are not suspect.

Apart from that, trying to explain why I would find a certain person suspicious would be very difficult without being able to speak, thus I saw little in trying to do so either.


Fellow innocents, when exactly would the time be appropriate for us to make known our suspicions? In seeking and collecting opinions I’m simply making the point that we can’t afford to operate in an information vacuum. If it’s still possible for the assassin to convert one of us to his cause (which I believe to have happened) then one more dead innocent spells doom for us all. Do we not have catastrophe bearing down on us?

It so happens that most of us have indeed expressed an opinion in this matter. Except for Lord Vsotvep that is. Apparently he proposes to do nothing today, which is clearly not an option. I understand that his recent illness limited his ability to communicate, but certainly not to the extent he claims. And, of course, this continued evasiveness is what one would reasonably expect from somebody who is now in league with an assassin.

I have one more point to make, and I regret that I didn’t make it sooner. On the day we voted to execute Nghtstalker, we established that either he or Lord Ruby had to be an assassin. It turns out we were dead wrong about Nghtstalker, which is tragic indeed. But, at the very least, we performed our duty as Issakios loyalists and took our fifty-fifty shot and prepared to live with the consequences. El Ka-Oz however voted to execute neither. He would have you believe that his defense of Nghtstalker establishes his innocence. But if he felt so strongly about Nghtstalker, why in the world did he not vote to execute Lord Ruby? My friends, I think you know the answer to that question. Add to this his baseless attack on Clement, then his rather indignant response to my suspicion of Lord Vsotvep, and I believe you are left with a highly, if not overwhelmingly suspicious individual.

I have nothing more to say except to wish my fellow innocents continued life and, hopefully, prosperity. We shall see how it goes. If you should meet Issakios in the hallway, please send him my regards, and please tell him we loyalists did the best we could.


Is it honestly a catastrophe? If we kill the actual assassin first, we’re in a bit of trouble, but if we kill the coward first, it’s an instant win, so although we have a harder time finding agreement about the right person to vote for, we have a larger target, so to say. There is also still the possibility that the assassins did not choose to kill, or that the assassins bumped into the smuggler twice in a row. If I were not a noble, but a mathematician, I might be able to figure out the balance, but alas, a noble has only so much time to spare.

I’m voting for nobody at this time, since I honestly don’t know who to suspect most. I do plan to vote before the day ends, though.

On top my list is lord Fiddlehead for his sudden and slightly irrational attack on me, but honestly I don’t know why Clement or El Ka-Oz could be trusted either. I find the attempt by El Ka-Oz to prove himself innocent through just stating that there is evidence for it a bit suspicious as well.

The only one I do not suspect, is obviously Marco.


Well, Vsotvep, I suppose you are now in the worst position here, since it is basically up to you to decide if the assassins win or if the innocent prisoners, loyal to the true king, will win – only that you have no way to make sure you are making the right choice.

What else should I do? I can’t just give my opinion and point to who I think is an assassin without defending myself, can I?? Especially since Clement attacked me so badly yesterday night. And none of us, except for Marco/@bugcat, has real proof for their innocence; so I can just repeat what is already in the open.

I explained this before: I didn’t think Nghtstalker could be an assassin, but I also did not believe he was the seer, so at that point, I did not think there was any proof for Ruby to be the assassin – I assumed, Nghtstalker had just suspected him without any profound knowledge. The next night, however, I was the first one to vote to report Ruby.

But you know who didn’t vote for Ruby, although we had proof?

Clement voted to report me, although he didn’t have any evidence against me, only the fact that I suspected him, and even that I did in careful words, because I wasn’t sure at that point.

Then, near the end of the previous night, Fiddlehead tried to get everyone to suspect Vsotvep. When that didn’t work out for him, he (and Clement?) must have decided during the day to follow a different strategy and to accuse me (together). I strongly assume that Clement will join Fiddlehead during the course of the night and vote for me (although probably only by the end of the night), so without your vote, @Vsotvep, it will then be two votes against Fiddlehead and two votes against me.
Think about it, Vsotvep, that is the only way for them to win and survive, by getting you to suspect me.

Please go again through everything that had been said before and then make your decision. I don’t think I made any bad decisions so far – there is nothing I have to hide.
The only thing I am asking for is, if you should decide you want to report me to the guards instead of Fiddlehead, please give me a few minutes before dawn to defend myself one last time.


@bugcat, @claire_yang, I am painfully aware that half of you cannot speak and the other half has little to prove, but it would be helpful to hear your voices in this matter as well.

Specifically I’d be interested in hearing why @bugcat suspects @fiddlehead most.


:question: :warning: :interrobang:

:thinking: :crescent_moon: :point_up_2:

:thinking: :crescent_moon: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

:thinking: :crescent_moon: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

:thinking: :loudspeaker:

:warning: :speaking_head: :supervillain:

:mask: :mask: :roll_eyes::question: :x: :skull_and_crossbones: :crescent_moon:

:supervillain: :palms_up_together: :man_supervillain: :people_holding_hands: :boom::people_holding_hands:


To reiterate, I suspect Lord Fiddlehead because

  1. He was the single most vocal person in suspicion of Lord Nightstalker, the seer, and in support of Lord Ruby, probably the assassin.

  2. He took what looked to be a cynical chance to defame you when your throat had been corrupted by that foul bread and you couldn’t defend yourself.


There is something we haven’t really talked about, maybe because it’s obvious, but it’s somewhat important, so here are my thoughts on the smuggler just for the record:

We have strong evidence that the smuggler is still among us and that he succeeded at least once in protecting a prisoner. I think it’s also obvious that if I should survive this night, the smuggler should not protect me. The assassin(s) will most likely not kill me during the day, so that he/they can still use me as a scapegoat the following night.
So the choice for the smuggler should be between protecting either Marco / bugcat or Vsotvep, and we should (also obvious) definitely not agree on who of them should be protected, because then the assassin(s) would choose the other one.

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