Western Server Challenge Mar 2022 -- $1,000 in Prizes

The answer was given last year:

Judging by the changelog, CGS haven’t had an update since Feb 2021. Suspicious…

Hi @Clossius1, thanks for organizing this again!

i would like to register but i can’t use google sheets. (firewall) . could we have an alternative way to register?
Edit: friend did for me 【solved】


I remember zoho was allowed a couple of years ago, but I’m not sure if it’s still accessible.

I was telling one of the opponent in a game about this, and apparently some still don’t know about this.

Maybe mods can pin it as an incoming event regularly/daily as March approaches and reach out to more players on OGS?


Also, I am not interested in money, and since I have no charity or streamer at hand I thought at this idea.
But since there is stated that more donations to the prize pool are not advised, this option is not quite according to the rules :slight_smile:

However I just remembered that I really like European Go Journal, so this is where I would like the money to go if I land by chance on a prize.

And by the way, prizes as subscriptions to EGJ would be good to promote the journal too.


I already fill the answer for alternative, can I still change my answer? I like the idea of the European Go Magazine. Can we get the electronic copies of them or subscriptions as alternative?

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Hey @Clossius1, could you please confirm?:


He already did, the whole discussion about corr was moved to a new thread.

SMH :man_facepalming: I read that at least 3 times and still thought it said corr not handicap. :rofl:

I don’t remember if clossi has specifically mentioned handicap or not, but I am 99.999% sure they count for the event.

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They count :slight_smile:


Are there rank restrictions when creating wsc games?


Does this starst today? or it got cancel? i don’t see any new?

Yes this event started 3 hours ago, good luck all :heart:

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Besides that, no rank restriction

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So how do i check how many games ive played?

You can check your game history in your profile.

You can only play games with people in your division right? For example if I was in the dan division I can only play games with dan users?

Nah you can play anyone as long as it’s a ranked game, so anyone within 9 stones, or rengo… but you’ll only qualify for the prizes in your division.

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For any other ranks higher or lower than myself, only handicapped games will count right?

nah, handicap or not is your choice…

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