Worst Moves Ever

You might play it again later, when you‘re stronger, just to give your opponent the heebie-jeebies :laughing:


Here my game at move 55 I should played at D8


After White (4d) made a dubious cut on the top to retest my skills (after I returned from a Go break about a week ago), I managed to reach a good position in which I had surrounded a lot of territory on the top side. My winrate was ~70% – in the seventeen games we’ve played together, this was only the second time I had a winning position on my hands.

Then I made this awful move, harming the crucial Q17 stones and actually herding White’s cutting stones to safety. Winrate dropped like a pigeon getting RSI in mid-flight, down to ~9%. My outside stones got squeezed into a dango, netted, and I lost the game.

White pointed out in review that I should take advantage of his slight damezumari to move out with a squeeze shape.


The way I understand it (and please correct me if I’m wrong):
If White plays UP after I play R8 (with P8 or P9) then I play along the right side and I’m pretty sure I can make a living shape.
If White plays DOWN and answers my R8 with an R9, then I play P8, and I can ladder up to inside stones on the upper left.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Coulda - shoulda - woulda!

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I was considering the block yes (second dia). With Q11 w can cut the Keima and protect his cutting point. Now b group is still pretty eyeless and under pressure.

If w feels it would be too early he can still prepare this attack on the outside and let you waste time to connect your weak stones if you want to avoid that.

Yeah, if White plays down and I ladder up (2nd diagram) then White can create a situation where I might sacrifice one of both of those upper stones (R11 and maybe P12).

The trade-off for that is - until White plays T2 to give that corner group 2 unconditional eyes, I can also chase White’s corner group in the center, etc, so that ladder would be a net benefit for Black as I understand it.

I got your point. Now it’s a bit weird (dangerous) to attack using a heavy group in itself firstly, and second w can chose to attack when he wants, as I said he can prepare it ( by making his corner group safer with moves like N7 and using some plays on the right side…)

When a group like the w corner reach outside, it’s common to not plan too much on a early attack and wait until circumstances around will give you a way. Playing Q8 and aiming to attack this w seems far too not precise and slippery to me, at least I wouldn’t myself bet on that

In all this the most important is the usefulness of the attack. Will it build some territory if there is no kill? Across the board I see more scarcered b stones as real influence waiting for an hypothetical w dragon. So all in all I see more b creating a target as a building project.

Maybe I can tell more clearly. You play Q8. W don’t block but go to give more health with N7 and a few more moves, hopefully in gote for you. What next? You still need to connect your stones. In gote as you invested them. That’s awful at this stage, that’s just too small, a kind of yose move.
Note: in your sequence, I d rather play w 6 at N7.

this was a thing back like maybe 3-5 years ago and it was my opponent that screwed up
basically what happened was that it was like the end of the game and i was desperate
so i kept placing down stones and for some reason my opponent kept passing
and then it was too late and they were like oh shit and i captured their group
also another game where me and cherry blossoms (now begoniax i think) um i won a ko and he was like you win and then i passed and then he took the ko back and i was like screw you and then i stopped talking to him… we haven’t talked in like 1 or 2 years now…
begoniax if you see this i forgave you a long time ago and sorry for being a dick

I will not bore you to death with my worst move ever. There is just too many of them.


When I was this bad, I used to think 25k was the best rank because it was the highest number.


25k is the best rank because it has the most people in it!!! (I’m just assuming this is accurate)


See this chart


Hey, you have to include the people that’ve never played before! Also 25k and below counts as the same since it shows up the same.


My most recent game
I was black

I totally missed K17, although it didn’t change the result of the game (I won with a big moyo from the bottom to right) I could’ve won by more.

In case you don't know what I'm saying (well, also because I like doing hide details)

If I went here then this would happen:

Black can’t play inside of my territory because then I could destroy is upper right portion
Like this:

Unless my opponent can find big enough ko threats I can capture:

I was going through this I was going through this at the same time in case your wondering why I missed it.


There’s also a potential ko in the upper left.

Yeah I eventually was able to do this:

I don’t think my opponent realized B15 was a double atari.

A thread called Worst Moves Ever and nobody mentions self atari on a group with >= 10 stones. Seriously???

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I think you missed a few posts of this thread.

I definitely did!

And now I’ll consider opening a new thread with the title ‘Worst Posts Ever’.


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