Yes, yes. By now I have found it. My last post was meant entirely self-deprecatingly!
Time to relive the pain! Mwahahahaha!
Well, what are you waiting for then?
I remember the first time someone got me with a monkey jump. Me: “What! What was that!?” Opponent: “Haha! You’ll never get done like that again” Cheeky wotsit!
Haha, reminds me of this: Get Strong At Resigning at Sensei's Library
Always good for a laugh
Sometime ago I played a game, when my opponent suddenly completely out of the blue - certainly having no reason at all to do so - resigned and wrote calmly in the game chat: earthquake.
That was the worst MOVE ever.
OMG! That is crazy!
It will be hard to find the game, but the description will suffice: yet a total beginner, I have read the The Power of the B2 Bomber at Sensei's Library article. Impressed, I went ahead and played a match with a B2 Bomber! My opponent was playing some weird noob corner moves in the meantime. At the time I felt like something is wrong… I have realized this is a joke! Checking the article out, I didn’t notice it’s marked as Humour… Resigned. Worst moves ever.
A recent game, when black atari at F15, I totally did not see it could connect back three dead black stones and played at N18 with -40% winrate change.
I had no idea what to do:
so I played time-suji:
and then I got brilliant solution:
group is finally saved, time to increase some territory!
Screwing up under time pressure.
The blue move kills whereas mine only creates a ko, in which White has many local threats.
Too many up and downs, very weird game. I thought if both lives, me(black) wins big, but it is pretty much an even game.
Anyhow, at this point, I had it, but as soon as I played the -99 move(I thought it was a seki), I saw the killing one, but too late.
Whatever, not that I deserved the win.
"who stops doing tenuki first, wins"
. . .
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Sorry i don’t see the difference.between first and last dia.
That’s because they both played tenuki…
did u check the percentages?
Oo i see
Missed the title so just considered the difference if white follow dia1 or dia2…
nvm, funny tenukis yes