10k seems physically possible, but I can’t imagine anybody would do that without being forced to do so, or being paid handsomely.
I am seriously thinking of doing that. There must be something wrong with me.
Another problem is that 10000 games is about 2/5 of the total number of games on OGS at this moment, so basically each correspondence player on the site needs to also agree to add 40% more correspondence games all against Sofiam, it’d not be just a challenge for you, or rather, the challenge would be to get the games.
Challenge accepted. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it and I don’t want to delete my current rengo challenges that will probably make it harder. Let’s see. Maybe 5k is more reasonable.
Challenge failed before really starting. I resign.
That’s brave!
I challenge you to get below 400 games.
When I ask how to get to Shodan
Accepted I had managed it before I went away this summer. Now I have almost only tournament games and rengos.
You know you are a Go addict when getting below 400 games is challenging for you.
I missed this conversation at the time but I would strongly argue that the discarding of such a challenge before it gets into motion is a success, not a failure.
Any good Go player needs to be able to balance priorities, not just respond locally to a position (or challenge) because it is perceived as being sente.
ykyaga when, upon coming across this acronym for the first time, your first intuition is that the second half stands for American Go Association.
… you twist stones in your head, regard situations on an imagined board and play both sides, while talking to friends, looking into their faces … all at the same time.
you become a go streamer
When you watch go streamers more than news broadcasters.
you know you are under dark Go spell influence when you enter completely random image search and suddenly find Go
You know you are a Go addict when with the time change you find it strange that automatic sitewide tournaments are an hour later (or earlier)
Most weird is that you enter a Latin search key and you get results in Korean!
You know you are a Go addict when you don’t know what to choose between sleeping and not losing by timeout ( see hoppo )
Not losing by timeout, hands down
(but do as I say, not as I do)
What’s that? One against all?
4 hours 32 minutes each move. What’s that too? Some sort of pun?