It started like this (+2, you can see it at move 1) but they left me alone!
I don’t know
My uneducated guess is Bible
Who knows, White might lose on time.
I think you’re go addict when you buy expensive go sets when you can’t win a game against a 15k bot
Ykyaga when you get all excited at a glimpsed email
But then it turns out to be a black Friday thing…
When you are doing a qigong practice and in the end when the qigong teacher says to bow to your teachers, past, present and future, you automatically think of your Go teachers, past, present and future. (sorry qigong teacher )
You know you’re a Go addict when you agree to play in an online tournament even though you know the games might be at night.
(Today I’m playing one at 2:30 a.m. in my timezone)
ykyaaga when you can reply, “Nah, that’s not addiction. That’s just enthusiasm.”
Good luck in your tournament and enjoy the games.
when you agree to play in an otb tournament knowing the games start in the morning, with an 1h+ of travel ahead possible
Ykyaaga when you watch games at 2:30 a.m.
ykyaaga when the image in this…
…gets you counting. I get White by Komi, assuming they closed up after the photo was taken.
ykyaaga when you’ve been looking forward to this for weeks…
ykyaaga when after seeing this, you start wondering what would be the kyu version.
(I guess more of an “OGS forum addict” than a “Go addict” per se, but…)
…when you’ve only been here a few months, still feel like an outsider really, and you get this:
Well, guess I lost track of how much time I was spending in the OGS forum
I’m in the top 1%, apparently
also, what’s with the “you’ll also get lots more likes per day”? That sounds sketchy as hell
It just means you are expected (and enabled) to give more likes now, not that you’ll receive any. Sorry mate!
You know you’re a go addict when you can’t wait for 2023 because a tournament starts.
And when you panic because it doesn’t start (but it finally started )
Seeing Unofficial OGS rank histogram (and graphs) 2022 bumped made me want to check what I did in 2022.
Note: the total is more than 23450 but it wasn’t fully loaded.
12647 games then. Surprisingly less than 2021. But I also added a lot of moderation to it, an average of 134 lines per day!
You know you are a go addict when you have lost hope that you will change or that you will really want to change.
… when you see this pic and can’t help but ask if there was good aji in there