Articles from Sensei's Library

I don’t really understand why this is called “wedging” since elsewhere it’s just called splitting the side.

Given the other usage of wedge Wedge at Sensei's Library where it seems to make sense of the English term in the verb sense of squeezing in between stones, it doesn’t make sense to call the splitting move a wedge. It’s hardly a narrow space by comparison since it’s about half the board or so in width.


I think wedge usually translates 割込み warikomi, and split translates 割り打ち wariuchi.

But one can hear both terms used more broadly on occasion.

As discussed in Take the stone first or press the clock first ? (Real Board) last April.

An interesting idea from a decade or so ago, with a clever disproof.

The suggestion is that Black can always win a game of 25-stone free placement handicap Go by making this pass-alive shape and then playing mirror Go – whatever move White plays in one half of the board, Black can play its equivalent in the other.


Whilst still a very good practical strategy, the technical validity of the proof was refuted by showing that White can play an under-the-stones tesuji to introduce positional asymmetry.


A parity seki is a special kind of seki where one of the players can remove any of the shared liberties in sente so that the other player must reply by removing another.


I couldn’t find any results for “parity seki” in the forum search, so it’s apparently never been discussed.


A pretty useful tesuji.


A classic article. Your Shusaku number is how many games you are away from Shusaku.

I used to compute my Shusaku number through xhu, but I’ve forgotten what xhu’s number was. In any case, I’ve played many more strong players since I had that first go, so I wouldn’t be surprised if my path has shrunk a step.

If I can count my 13x13 against Yoonyoung then I’m sure it’s been reduced, but small-board games feel like cheating… I’ve played many games against GoDave, though, who has in turn played several 19x19 handicap games against Yoonyoung; so I have a maximum 19x19 Shusaku path that is Yoonyoung + 2.

A good way for to find at least a Shusaku path for yourself is to first check Professional accounts and games on OGS and see whether you’ve played against any of the accounts on the list, especially spicydragon. Then poke around Waltheri using their real name.

According to this article, btw, Michael Redmond has a Shusaku number of four, with the path

Shusaku (0) → Shuho (1) → Kita Fumiko (2) → Shiratori Sumiko (3) → Michael Redmond (4)

Since I’ve played GoDave, who’s played against Redmond, that makes my maximum number six.

As a side note, though, it’s my opinion that a “pure” Shusaku path has its links in consecutive order. That seems to be the case for the Redmond path, but not for all paths.


Article of the Week 2009–11


other Go wikis

Game collections of Dosaku, Jowa, Shuwa, Shusaku, Shuho, Shuei, and Shusai.

Not necessarily complete, despite the name.

I’m sure this book as been discussed here before, perhaps in the Go books thread.

But here it is anyway: Arthur Smith’s 1908 book The Game of Go – The National Game of Japan, apparently written with some reference to Korschelt’s 1880 Das Japanisch-Chinesische Spiel ‘Go’ (The Sino-Japanese Game ‘Go’, published in English as The Theory & Practice of Go), and incorporating comments by Shuei (who died shortly before publication, in 1907).

This is a small article, so I’ll quote it in full:

Round Table is a teaching strategy, employed by Robert Rehm at Zomergo camps - Summer Schools. Players of all (kyu)-strengths gather around a round table. Everyone gets a turn to propose the next move first. Next all others express their ideas and propose alternatives. After some discussion the teacher choses an interesting move.

His task in deciding the next move is delicate. It is a compromise of keeping the game balanced, simple enough for weak players and easy enough to explain why this particular move was chosen. The strategy works best with groups of 7 to maximum 11 players. Odd numbers help students to look at the position with a fresh mind, every time it’s their turn, as they are black one time and white in next.

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Checking Sensei’s Library, I feel like I got into Baduk late and missing out on the dramas and entertaining stuffs like Stanley or Moyogo’s developer.

Klein bottles and how they can be used to play Go.

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Victories of amateurs over professionals, 1997–2011

A rare Go term: the “Western squeeze”.

The Chinese term 西洋滚包 or 西洋滚打, which literally translates to “Western squeeze”, refers to the mistake of squeezing the opponent into a dumpling shape but leaving oneself full of weaknesses afterwards. It can be seen as an instance of the atari-atari mistake. This term was invented by the Japanese and was used derogatorily when the level of Go in the Western countries was very low. These days, the term 西洋滚包 or 西洋滚打 is very rarely used, but it is occasionally found in literature ten or more years ago. [article written in 2008]

And the externally-hosted French version.

Pechin Hamahiga played Dosaku [twice, on four stones, with one win and one loss] in 1682.

Yara Satonushi [or Satonoshi] played Dochi [twice, at three stones, losing both games] in 1710; then Aihara Kaseki [the teacher of Honinbos Chihaku, Shuhaku and Hakugen (6th, 7th and 8th)].

There was a previous visitor from the Ryukyu islands in Japan in 1634, Tsuhako Genju, who played San’etsu.

Including the following games commented by SL deshi themselves:

  • Go – Fujisawa K. 1953 (jubango, gm. 3)
  • Fujisawa H. – Go 1957 (1st Saikyo League)
  • Nie–Shuko 1985 (China–Japan Supermatch)
  • Chang–Ma 1997 (11th Tianyuan, gm. 2)
  • Lee Ch. – Yu 2001 (12th Kiseong, gm. 1)
  • Cho Ch. – Kato 2002 (27th Meijin, rd. 2)
  • Park J. – Cho Ch. 2003 (8th Samsung Cup, gm. 3)
  • Yamashita–Hane 2003 (29th Tengen, gm. 1)
  • Yamashita – O R. 2003 (27th Kisei, gm. 2)
  • Choi – Lee Ch. 2004 (47th Kuksu, gm. 4)
  • Choi – Lee Ch. 2005 (48th Kuksu, gm. 3)
  • Hane–Yamashita 2005 (28th Kisei, gm. 3)
  • Cho U – Takao 2005 (60th Honinbo, gm. 1)
  • Takao – Cho U 2005 (60th Honinbo, gm. 4)
  • Choi–Luo 2005 (10th Samsung Cup, g. 6)

Or, in Oriental notation:

  • 吳清源—藤沢庫之助 1953 十番碁3
  • 藤沢朋斎—吳清源 1957 1最強
  • 聂卫平—藤沢秀行 1985 漢–和戦
  • 常昊—马晓春 1997 11漢天元2
  • 이창호—유창혁 2001 12기성전1
  • 趙治勲—加藤正夫 2002 12名人R2
  • 박정환—조치훈 2003 8삼성3
  • 山下敬吾—羽根直樹 2003 29天元1
  • 山下敬吾—王立誠 2003 27棋聖2
  • 최철한—이창호 2004 47国手4
  • 최철한—이창호 2005 48国手3
  • 羽根直樹–山下敬吾 2005 28棋聖3
  • 張栩—高尾紳路 2005 60本因坊1
  • 高尾紳路—張栩 2005 60本因坊4
  • 최철한—罗洗河 2005 10삼성6