Diplomatic Go 🗡 The First Game

Round 25 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is now 2020-09-18T00:00:00Z

@Maharani has been deducted an “extra day” and now has two extra days left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in the move being counted as a pass.


Round 25 has ended

First choices

Second and third choices

  • black@Haze_with_a_Z’s second choice collided with H4, and they did not submit a third choice
  • Hence, black@Haze_with_a_Z did not place a stone this round
  • Other players placed at their second choices
  • Four stones (J3, H4, H6, H7) are captured

Voting (Round 25)

Round 26 has begun and will end on 2020-09-19T00:00:00Z

Current board state:

Editable board


Round 26 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is now 2020-09-20T00:00:00Z

@Maharani has been deducted an “extra day” and now has one extra day left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in the move being counted as a pass.

I would like to apologize to everyone for keeping this game on hold for so long. I worked 9 out of the last 10 days, but I have the next two days off. Maybe we can wrap it up by then. :smiley:


Round 26 has ended

  • blue@Vsotvep, white@martin3141, and black@Haze_with_a_Z played at their first choices, at H7, H1, and D8, respectively
  • red@le_4TC and yellow@Maharani’s first choices collided at G9
  • red@le_4TC’s second choice collided with the already played stone at D8
  • red@le_4TC played their third choice at A8
  • yellow@Maharani’s second choice collided with the already played stone at H7, and their third choice was pass
  • yellow@Maharani did not place a stone in this round
  • Stone are captured at D7, G7, F1, F2, G1, and G2
  • All of yellow@Maharani’s stones have been captured

yellow@Maharani has been eliminated

Voting (round 26)

  • yellow@Maharani voted for a 5-way draw
  • No other votes were submitted

Round 27 has begun and will end on 2020-09-21T00:00:00Z

Current board state:

Editable board


@Maharani thank you for playing.


GG @Maharani :D:D:D


Thanks for playing @Maharani, and @李建澔2 as well, of course!


Round 27 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is now 2020-09-22T00:00:00Z

@martin3141 has been deducted an “extra day” and now has two extra days left.

@Haze_with_a_Z also missed the deadline, but already has zero extra days left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in the move being counted as a pass.

Thanks martin btw. I completely forgot about this until just now.

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Round 27 has ended

First choices

Second choices

Voting (round 27)

Round 28 has begun and will end on 2020-09-23T00:00:00Z

Current board state

Editable board




There goes my plan. I guess I should start voting for resign now.

It’s not over yet, don’t resign too early :slightly_smiling_face:


ok so vep need all of us to kill. that’s got to be in our advantage. idk though.

What do you mean? That I can be killed by the three of you?

Also, I don’t see how that would be in your advantage, and if your group is still on the board when I get killed, it’s not in Martin’s advantage either, since le_4TC would easily get enough points to win.

yeah. what did you think I meant?

“Vep need all of us to kill” is in itself an ungrammatical sentence, but I could read it as “it needs all of us to kill Vep” or as “What Vep needs, is that all of us kill (something)”.

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What prospects do I have left? If you really want to motivate me, you have to be able to answer this question.

Haze has apparently lost interest in the game (they repeatedly forgot submitting moves, and didn’t read my message last round, where I told them my moves.) I’m frustrated because that was pretty much my last chance.

Once Haze is eliminated and only the three of us are left, and if I have the most points (whether another player has an equal amount of points or not), my group will surely get captured.

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What if all of three of us have 27 points on board? I think this is still a possible outcome. In this case the game could be a draw, if either me or Vsotvep doesn’t want to capture you. It might also be that we both think we have good chances of winning by capturing, but we can’t know for sure what we think until we get there.

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