Never understood the “friendly game” phenomenon.
In one of the automatic site wide tournaments (AST) everyone wants to eliminate you twice (once is apparently not enough for the average sadistic go player).
And another AST is very intolerant towards players who are currently not involved in a relationship. There everyone is focused on eliminating singles.
It is a crazy world.
How do professional players greet their husbands / wives / significant others?
Hane I’m home.
Yunzi who?
Yunzi that snapback coming, did you?
Not to brag, but I defeated a professional player yesterday in less than 36 moves.
Finally my high school karate classes came in useful.
Also, I can beat the world’s best player in just one move. As it turns out, all that high-tech artificial intelligence can’t do shit if you unplug the cord.
You’re electrical tesuji is a variation on my water tesuji. Many years ago, I observed that chess computers had an unfair advantage over humans because they are not subject to the physical disadvantages of humans (noise, thirst, sleepiness, etc). I suggested pouring a bucket of water over the human and the computer.
or the bot is having just a bot day.
Not realy a joke, but more a riddle maybe …
How do you scare a go player?
And if you tricked your opponent into giving away the corner that could be saved?
You BAMBOOzled your opponent.
I know these are rather corny jokes, so if it gets just too bad, tell me so and I will stop … maybe
En eentje voor de Nederlandstalige onder ons:
Jo seki?
Nee, iken-tobi.
*Het peil daalt, de stemming stijgt.*
I see green letters and I immediately think “pro account”.
Oh boy, you have a bad case of go-itus extremus.
How is go like pool?
Summary Text
It has kyusWhy don’t people want to learn go?
When people see us playing go and ask what we are doing, we answer: Go.
Some days ago I played a real lousy game.
So I asked my opponent if I could undo the last 20 moves.
“Did you missclick 20 times?”
Yes, I did. Guess what? Radio silence and a refusal.
I tell, true sportsmanship is dead.
Okay, one exception.
I opened with E2.
My opponent looked puzzled.
After my second move he said: that is an illegal move.
Why what is wrong with E4? I asked.
Nothing, but you can not move your stone from E2 to E4.
Once you play a stone it stays there, unless it is captured.
Now it was my turn to be confused.
Why is it called a move then?
I almost returned to chess, where they are not so fuzzy about E2-E4.
I was giving someone a tip about playing against bots and said it was a “god idea.” The idea was a good one, but I don’t think it rises to the level of divine inspiration.
Go has a poor record on LGBT rights. Only straight stones share liberties.
In hot times like this you might welcome a cool joke.
On a wintry day a black and white go stone are walking through the forrest.
The wind is blowing, it is snowing and freezing like never before.
Black: It is cold, really cold.
White: Yes, it is. Aji! Aji!
Black: Bless you. Let’s go home.