Guess rank based on shapes

Of course we had threads such as the popular guess rank game

and threads about sharing shapes

What about guess the rank based on the shapes in the game?

I was thinking something bitesize, not having to go through the whole game and figure out a rank, but maybe take a screengrab or position from a game and try to infer something about the players from what you can see.

I’m not sure which way the game will go, what the rules should be about ranks, whether one should take positions beyond move X only or not further than move Y. Maybe some people will want to disguise ranks by not showing too much of a game, maybe one might want to deliberately pick a move and position to throw guessers off. I’m also not sure how long one should wait in between guesses and revealing the answers (though I will go to sleep soon for like 6 hours so have fun!)

Maybe the game won’t even be fun :slight_smile:

Maybe it’ll just be a fun way to share interesting positions in the guise of a game :slight_smile:

Anyway here’s a position that’s just fun to share regardless: look at those nice shapes!

What are the players ranks? :slight_smile:

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Maybe then it’s simply a guess levels given a position (instead of a full game)?

I think both players are strong like high dans


Yeah, who else would play empty Us? :wink:


Just a trick to confuse.


I wonder then would it be better to guess in formats something like

  • Above X kyu
  • Above Y dan


The idea being you see what you can see and conclude the players probably aren’t below a certain level as per

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Ok, White is 2.36 dan, while Black is 1.79333… (repeating) dan


A “guess rank” thread using real OGS games was very popular several years ago, but in time people got bored with it.

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This was quite a fun forum games as well

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From shapes i guessed their fights were tense but correct, usual results. Then tenukis seemed right too. So they were strong but not from purely shapes (as suggested by title of the thread)

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I suppose when you all you have is one image of the game, in a sense it is all shapes :slight_smile:

But of course you’re able to see deeper than just what’s being shown to you :slight_smile:

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O maybe i shouldn’t insist on what is shapes. I mean not yet connected stones, order of moves or timing… that’s not what shapes evoke in my head , i would think more of some good (or bad) esthetic, efficient placements and such. But,yes in some way all is shapes
It’s an interesting variant of guess the ranks from a full game. Maybe harder from the lack of information, but fun to fix the time of observation

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