How to record yourself playing in a tournament

I really would like to see an example of this. A video example, like the one with the desktop.
(since last year I’ve asked more than one organizers to provide such an example, nobody responded, btw)

Or is Dell going to be a Go events sponsor going forward?..

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This could cause referees a headache, but would capture everything! :grin:

In this case there are 2 players, but I can easily imagine that with a single online player

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The camera was set about 50 cm higher than the desk, at an angle.


So at the risk of going further off my own topic, would it be possible to support people who would not be able to participate due to these kind of hurdles?
For example, there are funds which pay for travel costs. Could there be some kind of equipment loan system, maybe organised through local clubs, for the purpose of tournament play. Or maybe rather locations which could be used. Some kind of network of venues where someone can participate (remotely) in a tournament. In this case maybe there could be an authorised “cheater-checker” supervising so as to avoid the need for recording at all.

I’m not sure I’m being clear and maybe should have another thread on this but hopefully it makes some sort of sense.


To me it is !

I was recently reading the rules for an online tournament on IGS and was asthonished they ask players to play home only (!), don’t be in a go club or a Internet cafe. …

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That could put too much burden on the organizing team. Except maybe in some cases like international team competitions where the team captain of each country is required to register all participants of his country and to take care of organizing their proctoring.

I was thinking more about UK tourneys where people were in the habit of traveling some distance to play three games. There could be says schools or universities with clubs where members word be participating in a tournament remotely but could do so from their local school or uni with less travel costs and without the recording business.

And then maybe other clubs might be able to offer similar facilities to their members. It would be a significant perk of membership if you ask me. Otherwise it’s hard to see the need to pay to join a Go club in a lot of cases.


Yes this is probably feasible for small or medium tournaments inside a given country.

Well and honestly if international participants wanted to join they could record themselves. It’s not harder or more expensive than international travel was even BC (before covid).

In some ways I miss the times before we got AI.


Before AI cheating was certainly possible with player substitution.

My point of view is that asking people to record themselves at home should be illegal. In fact depending on the country, and your interpretation of European laws, it’s probably illegal already. French schools an universities got wrecked for asking the same thing.

I’m not confortable to share a video of myself AND my boyfriend at home.

That why I would NOT participate to EWGC.

Btw, I have two screen on my computer, if I want to record myself “properly”, the webcam has to see through the wall.


do you have a reference for this statement?

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I mean, that’s the choice, isn’t it? If you’re uncomfortable with the rules of the event, you’re free to decide not to participate in the event. It absolutely should not be illegal for a private event to adopt whatever nondiscriminatory practices they so choose, especially when there’s a demonstrable vested interest in such a policy.

You typically also must consent to being photographed and recorded at most large in-person events as well. Being in your own home doesn’t typically change the legal status of such a recording so long as you’re aware of and consenting to it, which if you’re recording yourself, you would be by definition.

I’d be grateful if a mod could move this over to the other thread about this subject

My thread was supposed to be about the practicalities of recording oneself as we already had a lot of discussions on the rights and wrongs.

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One more datapoint, in terms of what needs be seen.

The camera must clearly capture:

  • face: only medical electronic devices are allowed
  • hands: must be visible on screen at all times
  • computer screen: the game and the video call are the only applications open
  • Players cannot communicate with anyone during games unless in emergencies. If you notice any suspicious activity, please immediately report to the TD by private message or the “raise hand” feature.

And it’s not video, it’s zoom call :\


So players are supposed to watch each other?

Isn’t that a bit for losing the main focus (the game) when your have to stay careful for 2hrs?
And seriously, cars, pianos elec guitars among other have pedals

If you want some music you need to borrow the stereo of your gran’ma.
Is listening music considered a communication, if not, are earplugs allowed for listening music?

Last, why do we need a computer to play if it’s a zoom call, can’t we just use our physical board and stones?


If one listens to music, that can be used to mask the sound of another person giving verbal advice.

I would expect headphones to be completely forbidden under any serious video recording requirements, since it would be trivial for a cheater to use those receive advice generated by another person/AI engine.


Both ears cannot be visible on the camera, so it’s probably trivial to cheat with an earphone on the ear which is not on the camera. Unless you are asked to show both ears to the camera before sitting down.


There is a lot of hair splitting about how cheating is still possible anytime some procedure is proposed… well duh?

All you can do is deter the lazy cheaters and that is fine.

There aren’t any practical measures that can deter a cheater with an accomplice or anyone with the technical savvy to set up a program to do AI analysis in an earpiece or with mirrors facing another monitor (blah blah blah). Just deter the lazy ones who might spend five minutes opening up an OGS/AI Sensei/Zbaduk tab or using a mobile device and consulting AI.

Save the nitpicking of policy for matches with nontrivial prizes at stake and in those cases, I would expect the organizer to either provide a location or a list of equipment with detailed setup instructions for the players.