Politeness in online Go games

I’m Go beginner, and I’ve been playing against bots here for quite a while. I’m interested in playing against human player. As such are there any accepted or expected courtesies when playing with somebody else? Likewise any advice for a beginner in this website?

  • Don’t abandon the game when you tire of it; finish it properly, so your opponent isn’t left waiting
  • If you are willing, many opponents like a greeting at the beginnging.
    • “gg” at the beginning is not rudely saying “I win ha hah” it is saying “I wish you a good game”
      • But seriously, if you can find something better to say than “gg” for heaven’s sake do so :wink:
  • Many opponents will appreciate your consideration of their time it if you finish the game by resignation or pass when you don’t really have an option to win or improve your position.
    • You are entitiled to keep playing until the territories are sealed, but you don’t have to.

If someone trash-talks you in the chat, don’t respond in kind, just file a report with the moderators.


I learned this one the hard way, but table flipping is not actually acceptable in most Go clubs.



How do you table flip in online go games?


There are many topics here opened by beginners so with a search you should find some answers.
Like this one

I advise you to play with players of a same level to accumulate more experience of the game. Use the custom game settings for reaching them.
Automatch may give you some more crushing experience at first unless your level is already established with your bots games.
Patience is key for progress. You will need to wait a bit to understand more on the strategy and tactics (some opponents may try to teach you more but if it is over your head, you can just skip their advices)
Warm welcome playing humans.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Oh - here’s another one: don’t use AI :wink:


That’s more a thing in face to face, not so important online.


True. But tbh this is the only point made in this thread so far that would be impossible to guess. I would hope that any person with a somewhat decent character would do all the other things mentioned automatically! :slight_smile:


Sometimes it’s not about bringing some exotic news (which is even a kind of debate on its own) but to try to bring confidence in a new experience.
Besides i find advices given here aren’t things so automatically followed at least by newcomers so worth it (and a bit offensive to players who didn’t follow them, hope they are still decent)

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problem is: there are people like that:

they don’t think that cancelling is more rude than playing in wrong corner, and they ignore possible interpretation where you help white player to feel like on real board by playing bottom left.


On a soft surface so your screen doesn’t shatter


It’s weird that on OGS thumbnail game displays, the black player is listed on the side (upper) that the “polite first move” is supposed to be played toward, rather than on the (lower) side from which that move would traditionally be played. I suspect that this plays merry hell on beginners on OGS who are having the “polite first move” explained to them for the first time.

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This is how it seems to me too.

I let you read other threads and debates.
That rule is more a face to face thing as online IMHO.

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So “gg” isn’t automatically rude? Thank you, I’m sure I can come up with something better than “gg”. And resigning is perfectly ok, in the face of defeat? I read something like that in senseis.xmp, thank you for confirming it.


Resigning is quite polite unless you were winning