Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Yes, Gia created a correspondence tournament for rengo players on ogf, which is not listed on the tournaments page. See here, 1st Ogf Rengo 19x19 Tournament 🌐, and here, Rengo tournament

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Isn’t it already possible to create a private group with private tournaments?


You’re right it’s possible to create private groups and invite only/members only tournaments, but I think they still show up in the lists and search. I was wondering if there’s an option to make them “unlisted”. Now that I’ve messed around a little more it seems there’s no way to do that.

Btw, this tournament made me lol: Play Go at! | OGS

EDIT: Schroedinger’s Policy Violating Tournament. As soon as you let forumites see it, it may or may not dissappear :yum: for those who missed it, it was using OGS to advertise some questionable links to watch the batman movie.


When did this button get added? I’ve been wanting this since i started using ladders :sweat_smile: so glad it’s finally there!


That ladder name seems kind of redundant.

However, I guess that implies the existence of the sacrilegious “9x9 Lovers 13x13” and “9x9 Lovers 19x19” ladders…


Yes, I went ahead and deleted that tournament since no one had signed up and the entire thing seemed to have been created purely for spamming shady links for streaming a movie.

In general, please report users that post such spam, and we’ll take it down.



Hmmmm… There’s some shady character on the 13x13 one :thinking:


You rang?


The shadiness multiplies :scream:


I’m considering joining the 9x9 lovers group just to join the 19x19 ladder. I don’t like 9x9


You can also consider joining the 19x19 ladder of the 9x9 group.

What is the biggest heresy?
  • A 19x19 ladder in a group for 9x9 players
  • A short correspondence tournament in a “long correspondence” group.

0 voters


Sounds like a fun topic to argue about.

Both on the goban and in real life I’m an emotional and irrational idiot. However I believe I am still more logical on the goban.

How do the skills translate?

Semi-serious question

Is there a policy or goal about dead groups? There are over 10,000 groups, most of them I assume are dead or zombies… just with ladders that some of us use to schedule correspondence games

Note that this group, Stoneswalkers, went private (so no new people can join) and updated their description to say they are no longer operated. Of course, their ladders are still active for the few of us left. That seems to be the best approach, but few people would find it to follow as an example. Hence the question about policy (but perhaps called a “Best Practice”

Since incremental hard drive space cost is cheap to non-existent, there is no burden to keep them. And obviously dead/zombies groups with tournaments should be preserved

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There’s no official policy yet, but I once proposed the ability to adopt a “headless” group. It never went anywhere, but I still think it would be a nice feature.

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They get removed at the end…


I walked into that one…


Consider a rengo game with four players, Alice (1d), Bob (10k), Carol (1d), Dave (10k). Alice and Bob play with black, Carol and Dave with white. They play in this order: ACBD ACBD… Is this configuration better for one of the colors? Carol can make a difficult move that triggers a mistake by Bob, but Alice doesn’t have this possibility, so this looks good for White. On the other hand, Dave’s moves immediately get punished by Alice, so this looks good for Black, unless Alice needs to repair a mistake previously made by Bob… Anyway it’s not clear to me whether one of the teams gets an advantage, but the situation is clearly not symmetric.

The sucession of moves ADBC ADBC… is not better, since CADB is a period of the sequence, and is still strong-strong-weak-weak like in the previous configuration.

In fact, the playing order may be encoded by a sequence of digits between 1 and 4, with odd digits at odd places and even digits at even places. The first configuration was 1234 1234… and the second one was 1432 1432 1432… Let s be the transformation s(1)=2, s(2)=1, s(3)=4, s(4)=3. The transformation by s of the first sequence is the second sequence, shifted by one position.

What about the sequence with period 1234 1432 3412 1432 ?
In other words, ACBD ADBC BDAC ADBC ?

  • Words AC, AD, BC, BD, CA, CB, DA, DB appear each with probability 1/8
  • ACB, ACA, CAD, CAC, BCA, BCB, DAC, DAD: probability 1/16
  • ADB, BDA, CBD, DBC: probability 1/8

On the other hand, the sequence ACAD appears with probability 1/16 but its counterpart, CACB, doesn’t.

On the other hand, the sequence ACBDAD appears with probability 1/16 but its counterpart CADBCB doesn’t.

Is there a simple way to generate an infinite sequence a(1), a(2),… of elements in {1,2,3,4} such that

  • for any finite sequence b(1),…,b(m), the limit of 1/N × ♯ {k<N | a(k+j)=b(j) for j=1,…,m} when N → ∞ exists. Let P(b(1),…,b(m)) denote that limit.
  • for each k=1,2,3,4, the digit k appears 1/4 of the time. In other words, P(k)=1/4.
  • a(k) is odd if k is odd and a(k) is even if k is even
  • for each finite sequence b(1),…, b(m), P(b(1), … , b(m)) = P(s(b(1)), … , s(b(m))) ?

Can this sequence be periodic?


It does appear once you repeat the sequence:
…adbc acbd…

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Yes sorry. I edited my post. If I didn’t make a mistake again, assymetry appears with sequences of length 6 but not for shorter sequences.