A bunch of topics already and game offers too.
Let’s open it.
Maybe let’s wait and see if the excitement cools down a bit after a couple weeks.
There is a go variants category. Just use that?
There seem to be a lot of recent threads about Rengo, but it also might not be so natural to move them into a separate Rengo category. Many of those threads revolve around development, feedback, support, announcements, etc. as their primary theme, and I don’t think their organization would be better served by lumping them together into a new category about Rengo. Going forward, for future threads, I think it depends on what might be the continued volume of threads, and whether they would be of the nature that would be better categorized in an existing category, or if they would be better in their own new category. I think we should wait a bit and see how the situation evolves.
Categories are cheap I think?
Are there any gotchas?
Ah? I dunno, seems obvious to me. Instead of having them getting burried in a few days and spread among various not related topics.
It would be better if the categories worked like tags (allowing multiple categories at once) instead of folders. However, a thread can only belong to one category, so one has to make a decision about what is more appropriate.
In terms of avoiding things getting buried, searching for “Rengo” easily brings up the threads related to Rengo. What I mean by organization, is to ask whether it would be more useful for certain threads to belong in their own “Rengo” category, or in their current existing category?
For example, these threads are under OGS Development:
Would it be better for them to go under their own “Rengo” category, rather than stay in OGS Development? If we move such threads, then it might be easier to find them by visiting the Rengo category, but then they would be missing from the OGS Development category. On the other hand, without moving them, they are still easy to find with a search.
These two are under Announcements:
Should these be under the “Rengo” category instead? I think it is more interesting to have such news under the category of Announcements, since then one could explore that history. I feel like these would become more buried if they existed in a “Rengo” category instead.
There are some threads from General Go Discussion that could perhaps be moved into their own Rengo category, but will the trend of new threads specific to Rengo continue at a pace that requires a separate category?
Further, if one were to create a new “Rengo” category, should it be a new standalone category? Or does it belong as a sub-category to “Go Variants” or “General Go Discussion” or something else?
Here the users of the forum have the same idea as me.
If you put aside annoucement and development and keep the topic related on rengo playing (research players, rengo psychology… ) they chose the general go discussion with the exception of 1 topic (rengo cafe by Atorrante)
A quasi unanimity consider then rengo not as a go variant but as a way to play go.
Under the current system, it is possible to search for the keyword “Rengo” and restrict the search to another category like “OGS Development”. This is useful for finding threads specific to development. Or one might search for “Rengo” within the the “General Go Discussions” category to find discussions about actually playing rather than development.
In this way, I think have threads across these separate categories actually helps to find the relevant ones. “Rengo” is an overlapping category with respect to others, but easily searchable with its keyword. On the other hand, it’s not too easy to replace the concepts fo “OGS Development” or “Go Discussions” with a particular keyword, if these categorizations are lost by lumping different threads into one category.
Search is a wonderful tool but overrated by regulars like us. To report a bug or to ask for a game or asking for something or giving some impression a casual user will prefer a category.
Currently, one can do searches like this (selecting a category to search within):
which can greatly help with finding specific types of Rengo threads.
With these type of threads lumped together under a “Rengo” category, it becomes not so simple to filter them accordingly. The splitting provided by the current categorization is a useful tool for search.
If one looks at the OJE, joseki explorer has a kind of sub category to OGS development. I feel like one can mimic this for Rengo?
Edit: this basically
However, in addition, there will be threads about Rengo that have nothing to do with development.
I would be more in favor of creating two new sub-categories for “Rengo” (under OGS Development) and another “Rengo” (under General Go Discussion or Go Variants), and I would leave the Announcements related to Rengo where they are under Announcements.
My main objection to creating a single new “Rengo” category is that it would seem to imply an odd mixture of people discussing the development of Rengo (including bug reports, implementation suggestions, purely technical issues), and people discussing actually playing Rengo.
Go general discussion
I like that (just not in go variant but in go general discussion, why here )
Wait for what? A good organization can be an invitation to contribute more.
My opinion while reading this thread rapidly shifted from “Wow! A whole category for Rengo? Awesome!”, to “Oh, good points. Yeah, this would be a terrible idea.”, to “Subcategories under OGS Dev and General Discussion? That’s beautiful. When are we getting it?”.
It’s a rollercoaster of a thread alright
Is this just because everyone just posts everything there (is it the default?) instead of thinking about what the right category would be?