Really liking (contributing to) the history item Images of olden times, but there is also something as the present, how Go is played nowadays, so therefore a more contemporary pictorial attempt, for example: What about playing on five boards linked to one and another with four people?
Seems really confusing.
Also, always love street pictures of people playing…getting your priorities right
The photo of the five boards is wonderful! My first reactions were (1) it must take all day to play a game, and (2) isn’t go hard enough already?
That is an example of Hard Core.
Wow, I have never seen a toroidal go game in real life!
I just noticed that they are doing mirror go on all the boards—the formations are the same on each.
I think its go on a torus. They actually play only on the middle board, but instead of borders the 1. line is next to the 19. line and so on.
Utter genius-level insight.
Is this a rengo game in which the agonized man is reacting to his partner’s bad move, or is that man a spectator who just got a phone call telling him to hurry up and get home?
Yes, well observed but it can actually be played on multiple boards as one big board.
Look, no mirroring here:
Would that be called…
I wonder if they finished that game, that has to take all day.
Just take the weekend off and you will be allright
Lovely! This reminds me of a B&W photo in a famous exhibit at, I think, the NY Museum of Modern Art, in the 1950s. I believe the title of the whole exhibit was “The Family of Man,” which was collected in a book of that title. Like this, it showed a very young girl and an old man hunched over a game of checkers on a park bench. I actually used that photo for a high school assignment to write a story based on a photo. Years later I sold a revised version, which then took second place in a contest. So, this composition really resonates with me!
If you can still find the picture, post it here!
Scene from a Beautiful Mind, where they play a lot of Go - although the board in this scene looks awfully dense, and the kill by John Nash’ opponent doesn’t seem really… well have a look for yourself:
Nash afterwards famously re-invented the game of Hex:
The final play could be the last liberty on all the black stones we see to the right. It appears a legit winning move to me?