Most Popular Go YouTube Channels

I was curious what the most popular Go channels were. Subscriptions counts are an easy (but not perfect) way to measure this, so I created a list of every Go channel that I could find with greater than 1000 subscribers (but feel free to expand the list beyond that if you wish).

This post is a wiki, so feel free to add more!

Channels are English unless marked with a flag. The :united_nations: flag is used to mark multi-lingual channels. I’ve tried to translate some of the non-English channel names, but there may be mistakes.

  1. 프로연우 :kr: [Go Pro Yeonwoo’s Korean Channel] 125K
  2. 囲碁将棋TV -朝日新聞社- :jp: [Go Shogi TV, Asahi Shimbun] 89.1K
  3. 바둑 BADUK TV :kr: 84.5k
  4. 바둑랩 강좌 :kr: [Go Lab Course] 69.3K
  5. 이현욱TV[프로바둑9단] :kr: [Lee Hyun-wook TV, Professional Go 9 Dan] 49.8K
  6. K바둑 :kr: [K Baduk] 45.9K
  7. 日本棋院囲碁チャンネル【公式】 :jp: [Nihon Ki-in Go Channel (Official)] 43.7K
  8. 바통령[김영삼프로바둑9단] :kr: [Kim Young Sam Pro Go 9 Dan] 32.2K
  9. Nick Sibicky 31.4K
  10. プロ棋士 柳澤理志の囲碁教室 :jp: [Go Pro Satoshi Yanagisawa’s Go class] 29K
  11. dwyrin 27.8K
  12. KB국민은행 바둑리그 :kr: 26.9K
  13. New York Institute of Go 25.9K
  14. Sunday Go Lessons - Videos on the Game of Go! :united_nations: 25.1K
  15. 女流棋士・飛田早紀の囲碁チャンネル :jp: [Saki Tobita’s Go channel] 23.5K
  16. rido channel :jp: 23.3K
  17. 高川格 :cn: 22.9K
  18. In Sente 22K
  19. 棋樂園 :taiwan: 18.9K
  20. Michael Redmond’s Go TV 17.6K
  21. 貓劍客圍棋道場 :taiwan: 17.3K
  22. 围棋TV :cn: [Weiqi TV] 17.2K
  23. The Official AGA Youtube Channel 15.8K
  24. Haylee’s World of Go/Baduk 14.8K
  25. Go Pro Yeonwoo 14.1K
  26. 囲碁棋士 柳 時熏のGo Channel :jp: [Go Channel of Ryu Shikun] 13.9K
  27. 키바바둑TV KIBA BADUK TV :kr: [Weiqi TV] 11.6K
  28. Jian Jian Good, Go Game World :cn: 11.2K
  29. 星合志保の囲碁実況局 :jp: [Shiho Hoshiai’s Live Go Channel] 10.4K
  30. Fulgurogo :fr: 8.95K
  31. Baduk Doctor 8.46K
  32. 囲碁プレミアム :jp: [Go Premium] 7.77K
  33. Go Commentary 7.26K
  34. Go Magic :united_nations: 7.19K
  35. 囲碁棋士 木部夏生・べっきーの電波塔 :jp: [Natsuki Kibe 2p / Bekki’s radio tower] 7.09k
  36. つるりんチャンネル :jp: [Tsururin Channel] 6.45k
  37. Go Game Videos 5.15K
  38. Yoon’s Baduk Cafe 5.02K
  39. Andrew Jackson 4.82K
  40. Shawn Ray (Clossius) 4.93k
  41. 김수담 :kr: [Kim Soo-dam] 4.85K
  42. Russian Go Federation :ru: 4.45K
  43. 三村囲碁ちゃんねる :jp: [Mimura Go Channel] 4.31K
  44. Brady Daniels 4.07K
  45. ネット藤澤塾/YouTube囲碁講座 :jp: [Fujisawa Juku / YouTube Go Course] 3.61K
  46. 【囲碁初心者向け】名人の龍虎塾 :jp: [Shibano Toramaru and Shibano Ryunosuke channel] 3.59k
  47. Luciano Zinni 3.59K
  48. GoGameGuru deprecated 2.81K
  49. 囲碁教室・碁円 :jp: 2.79K
  50. みやれー (miyare) :jp: 2.78K
  51. Yoonyoung Kim 2.43k
  52. Cyberoro ORO :kr: 2.36K
  53. おバブちゃんねる :jp: [Obabu Channel] 2.06K
  54. xhu98 2.03K
  55. Yunguseng Dojang 1.98K
  56. BenKyo Baduk 1.97K
  57. BJ동동 :kr: [BJ Dongdong] 1.87K
  58. 纹枰论道 :hong_kong: 1.84K
  59. 依田紀基チャンネル :jp: [Yoda Norimoto Channel] 1.76K
  60. Weiqi master 1.69K
  61. Fédération Française de Go :fr: 1.65K
  62. Littlelamb Go 1.55K
  63. Joshua Lee 1.17K
  64. Go Games Series 1.02K
  65. InGoWeLoved棋如人生日日新 1K

Note regarding editing: Keep all of the items in the list numbered with “1.” and Discourse (the forum software) will automatically fix the numbers.


I’ll try add a few (Brady Daniels - kind of inactive but still) and the French Federations go channel are above 1000 subs :slight_smile:

Added the

  • russian Go federation channel too.
  • some channel that replays game sgfs called Go Game Videos.
  • GoGameGuru deprecated
  • 바통령[김영삼프로바둑9단] --? [Kim Young Sam Pro Baduk 9 Dan] (google translate)

Note: this post is now a wiki as well. Please feel free to use this as scratch space, and to catalog channels with less than 1000 subscribers (we can merge these into the main list as well, but this is just space to reduce the risk of editing conflicts).

There were some efforts to get the channel of the London Go Center to 1000 subs, but they are still not there yet.


The EGF channel is on 962. If forty ish people sub we can maybe add them to the list :stuck_out_tongue:


It might be more informational to bring the baseline down to 500.

Also, I added Clossius.


The DeepMind channel has several videos about AlphaGo, but it is mostly about their more general AI development.

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There’s also a European Professional Online Go League channel only on 176. I feel like they need more iterations of the league, and to add more of the Twitch Vods :slight_smile:

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Added Yoonyoung.

Added Go Commentary as well.


I would love to see the list go even further, but it just becomes a lot of work to search at that point. However, I would welcome efforts to expand the list and it is a wiki after all…



The British Go Association only has 85 subscribers, ouch…

I guess they’ve decided that the London Go Centre channel will transmit their main content.


Actually I think that BGA channel is new, since the BGA online congress I thought. That’s what I thought the email said.

The videos are only a week old :stuck_out_tongue:


Need to add this at some point (even thought it is no longer active, it still has some interesting videos), but holding off since someone else was editing at the same time, and I wanted to avoid the edit conflict.

Think we can get the list down far enough to reach them?

I just checked and saw that (@le_4TC) has 84 subscribers. Almost as many as an entire association!

By the way, the OGS Go Resources page also lists some other smaller channels that I omitted.


Is there a way to see who’s editing the post?

I added the Go game guru one.

There’s a couple of tricks one can do to find more channels. The obvious is just filter youtube results to channels, but you’d have to hit a keyword.

Another is some channels eg Yoon’s baduk cafe etc, link channels when you navigate to channels tab eg


It noticed that an “edit conflict” warning popped up near the bottom of the edit box, so I just cancelled my edits.


That’s one way to make me feel better about my low numbers :sweat_smile:


Wow didn’t realize Yeonwoo was so popular! Ahead of Kbaduk!


Side note: can’t believe JosekiFarm still exists. Nick on JF, 2016 Sophia on JF, 2020

when you realise that this site outlasted GoGameGuru




This is the most comprehensive pro games channel, commented by Chinese 5-9P. Recently, they started live broadcast some of the top pro games as well. But you have to understand chinese.

I am a paid VIP subscriber of WeiqiTV.

Those are systematic teaching videos by Chinese 5-9P. But again, unless you understand chinese, they are useless. The youtube weiqitv channel might be an outdated version of its main site. I am not sure.