Place to share pedagogical ideas

I suspect there’s already a similar thread but

  • discussions about teaching topics and
  • offering/seeking teaching games

don’t seem to be effectively separated as categories, making it hard to search the archive.

See also…

I found an interesting pedagogical idea in an introductory book—introducing attacking as generalization of capturing technique net.

In detail…

  1. Elementary capturing techniques—chasing to edge, ladder, snap back, serial atari, and net

  2. Looser nets

  3. Attacking as generalized net, with less and less ally stones

  4. If impossible to escape—nakade, false eyes, seki, capturing race

The actual book is sequenced as ④ , ① , ② , ③ and then continues on but I couldn’t find any idea that stands out after.

“おぼえたての碁” (1995) by 趙治勲(ちょう ちくん | Chô Chikun)

It’s the 2nd of 2 book series and I’m still waiting for the 1st (via inter-library loan).


The 1st book finally arrived:

“はじめて打つ碁” (1994) by 趙治勲(ちょう ちくん | Chô Chikun )

The book comes with 2 boards printed on paper—5×5 and 9×9. He recommends putting one inside a transparent document folder for playing. Although not mentioned, this setup would allow creating other in-between sizes.

After explaining the rules on 5×5, he commentates a few example games on the same board. He then introduces 9×9. To get used to the larger size and to experience various situations, he suggests the following starting configurations:


(By the way, what’s a recommended software for creating such diagram—I used Inkscape, a general drawing software?)

For the last 2, reversing colors creates different ones. On the last one he comments that despite double vs single ataris it’s not as straightforward as it looks.

Toward the end, he recommends staying on 9×9 until 10~5 kyu.

See also:



A few quotes and a paraphrase from

発想をかえる 囲碁とっておき上達法 (1994) by 趙治勲(ちょう ちくん | Chô Chikun )

(Please feel free to share your own translations of the quotes.)

On imagining and reading moves he saysp.37:

狭さを狭いとしてそのまま終わるか、そこに広さを見出すか …

Whether to be able to discover the real expanse from the apparent smallness …

When his daughter—2 or 3 dan amateur player at the time—said she was afraid of one-space approaching a komoku for fear of getting pincered, he recommended playing on the side-star point, after which she can approach more easily. He explains that he did this instead of showing what to do after getting pincered to make her feel safer, because he didn’t think she could make those variations her own at the time.pp.12-13

カカらないといけないという気持のワクを取っ払って、カカる必要はないという安心感を与えました。… その方が自分らしい碁が打てる、そういうレベルだったからです。

I removed the idea that one must approach [komoku] and made her feel ok about not approaching. … She was at a level where this would allow her to play more in her own way.

Toward the end of the bookp.218, he also comments on a kid he played while visiting various parts around the country:

… カウンターパンチのように効果があるのではないかと。

[The kid thought that the move] may have the effect of a counterpunch. I don’t know whether it would work or not. And even if not, I don’t want to criticize such move—I’d rather compliment it. He’d felt and thought as described and played that move—he’s thinking Go on his own.


Maybe asking in this thread Go Zendo @RubyMineshaft and others made tools hosted on GitHub to play this game very similar to your diagrams.

Maybe you can clone/fork one of their repository to use yourself?

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