#1 1,800 Go memes #2 1,500 Coronavirus #3 1,500 20 questions #4 1,100 Geoguesser #5 900 Raptor game #6 830 L. L. Library #7 750 Werewolf Game 4 #8 690 Shiritori #9 560 Go addict when #10 550 Werewolf Game 5
#11 Hurt / Heal Fuseki #12 OGS app #13 Music, no chitchat #14 Random chat #15 Through the Years #16 Guess rank game #17 Images of newer times #18 Go IRL #19 Werewolf Game 3 #20 Napster’s music thread
Forum games have continued to rise up into the top twenty, mainly werewolf games but also the astonishingly popular 20 Questions. Off-topic content is slightly in the majority with 11 / 20 threads, but dominates the top ten with eight threads there.
The barrier for entering the top ten has risen steeply from 330 to 550 posts, pushing out several older threads like Images of newer times and the Guess rank game.
Let’s play Yahtzee and go Zendo :yeet
Go memes:oh no we are in danger
In a month go memes:I used to rule the world.Or maybe we don’t need one.
Werewolf games that ended:I used to be that fastest growing thread but…
Guess the person/2 questions:quick so we can be number one for a bit until let’s play Yahtzee and go Zendo gets too too high.
Go memes:we need memes